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itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_j9vawnx wrote

>When transit police arrived, witnesses pointed to the suspect, who had boarded the train.

>The suspect “challenged the officers to a physical confrontation” when they tried to talk to him, Sullivan said.

>After de-escalating the situation, officers removed the man from the train and confirmed with witnesses and the victim that he was the alleged perpetrator.

Honestly, the dude just boarded the train and sat there?

That’s a whole new level.


Otterfan t1_j9x4t5i wrote

He was taken to a hospital instead of jail, which means he is probably pretty seriously mentally ill.


TiredCr0codile t1_j9wk905 wrote

Probably a vagrant


lqdizzle t1_j9z5i69 wrote

While we are assuming social statuses, probably an immigrant too


TiredCr0codile t1_j9z6wxs wrote

Vagrants do this stuff often. Immigrant is a social status, vagrancy is a choice.


lqdizzle t1_j9z7668 wrote

Immigrating isn’t a choice lol?


TiredCr0codile t1_ja0e57k wrote

A very different kind of choice, dipshit


lqdizzle t1_ja0f08n wrote

Kind of my point dipshit


TiredCr0codile t1_ja0pj0f wrote

Give it a couple days til it comes out the perp is a vagrant. You dumb fuck.


lqdizzle t1_ja0u14h wrote

I mean statistically you’re probably right. What’s it called when you JUDGE PREvious to knowing for a fact…..anyway, my dude is statistically likely to be NOT white too, amiright? You dumb fuck


TiredCr0codile t1_ja0z0x3 wrote

Statistically, he's probably white. Another race obsessed leftist here I see.


lqdizzle t1_ja114fv wrote

Murder and non negligent manslaughter has 12k+ arrests fewer than half are white. Statistically the attempted murderer is non white. I’m an independent.


TiredCr0codile t1_ja2jl2h wrote

This is a very specific type of murder/manslaughter. You're race obsessed. It's a leftist thing, being independent has nothing to do with it.


lqdizzle t1_ja32obp wrote

I see. This murder is too specific for my dept of justice stats but your internal “must be a vagrant” metric is spot on.

I’m a registered independent but that has nothing to do with anything because to you I’m actually a race obsessed leftist.

Thank god you’re here to clear things up. Otherwise the rest of us are just using facts, stats and logic.


TiredCr0codile t1_ja377ji wrote

The fact that you brought up race says enough


lqdizzle t1_ja3e65o wrote

Well you certainly are showing you can’t say much more that’s for sure 🤣