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Just_Assignment9246 t1_j9qgedy wrote

I think you’re right, the USCG is the lead for navigable hazards in the waterway….I don’t have experience with swing bridges but I’ve only dealt with USACE and USFWS for the 11 bridges that I’ve done. Both USCG and USACE are both involved when there are Navigable Waters of the US. Lift bridges, bascule, swing bridges, etc. (movable bridges) involve the USCG usually because of clearance issues. Usually the USACE are involved for Waterways of the US, under Rivers and Harbor Act and CWA (section 404) for any stream altering, erosion, fill, dredging etc. I think you’re right in this case Coast Guard is the prime agency but USACE and FHWA are definitely going to be involved with this one as well. I hope they do high clearance fixed bridge of sorts to minimize traffic, it would help triage jams along I-93. Has Massdot done a Bridge Type Selection study yet, and how do they have dollar figure for the cost of it without knowing the type of bridge and I don’t think they’ve released an RFP yet, I was looking and I couldn’t find anything online.