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lintymcfresh t1_jacxde3 wrote

(extremely boston raspy two-packs-a-day voice) WHDH has never been a fox affiliate, they were CBS way back in the day and then swapped affiliations with WBZ, which was NBC at the time. they’ve been independent since 2017


tilehinge OP t1_jad7wdg wrote

Ah fuck, ah Jesus. Damnit.


lintymcfresh t1_jadah2c wrote

real sorry man. on the plus side this comment made me cough laughing


tilehinge OP t1_jae3k10 wrote

I haven't watched broadcast tv in my own house in probably 6 or 7 years, so I don't know shit about fuck. This was in a waiting room.


tiny_pellets t1_jadro1i wrote

Fun fact, WHDH's sister station in Miami, WSVN, is a Fox affiliate on channel 7. But even they don't call themselves Fox 7, apparently.

If they were measuring local snowfall in dunkscups, now that would be something! :)