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[deleted] t1_j9h4by7 wrote

If it weren't for Boston sports fans in every sub pissing and moaning about these guys every day I wouldn't hear about them at all.

This issue aside, this is separate, maybe everyone should just try...idk...not giving a fuck about Felger and Mazz? Wouldn't hear about em at all if it weren't for you guys just always whining about it, saying the same exact shit day in and day out. Just turn it off.


Quiddity131 t1_j9hcvzg wrote

The biggest way critics of Felger & Mazz will succeed and get them off the air is to stop listening to them and to not talk about them at all. They get ignored, they become irrelevant and go away. The problem is people can't help but listen to them, especially those who don't like them.