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ahecht t1_ja8vs40 wrote

The new system will allow any-door boarding on busses and fare validation once on board, so it should be just as fast.


thebruns t1_jaaopm8 wrote

You mean like Charlie did in 2006 before they cancelled it since some people were upset that not everyone was paying?


ahecht t1_jaarrna wrote

Not quite. That system was the people would enter through any door and then fight there way up to the front to pay at the the kiosk by the driver. With the new system there won't be a kiosk at the front. There will be touchpoints throughout the car, and when you get on you tap at any touchpoint. There will be inspectors boarding the trains at random and checking people's cards/phones, and if anyone didn't tap in they get a fine. This is the same system that many European cities use.


thebruns t1_jaas0uc wrote

There were payment terminals at surface stations that dispenses a paper proof of payment ticket. There WERE inspectors boarding the trains at random and checking people's cards/receipts, and if anyone didn't have one they got a fine. This is the same system that many European cities use.

After about a year of this, those machines sat unused for 8 years before they were installed on the Fairmount line where they are in use today.