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hannahbay t1_ja9rt6o wrote


Texasian t1_ja9tkxq wrote

Sorry, to be clear, I meant loading a Charlie card without having to be at a station. You can do it here

Since it’s stored value, you’d still need to tap at a fare machine or subway gate… so your kinda fucked if you want the bus.


killerdio t1_jaa2yw9 wrote

I thought you HAD to use a fare machine? Which kind of defeats the purpose of not needing to go to a fare machine...

The only use I found for it was being able to pay with my old shitty cards that have lost their magnetic strip. It also takes until the next business day to take effect, so overall a very unpleasant system.


Ksevio t1_jab771t wrote

You just have to tap it on a networked reader like the subway gates (but not the readers on the trains or busses)