I'm so tired of the same canes in commonwealth being packed 24/7, that place is crowded af. They seriously need more canes. Maybe even out of the city, but also the parking there sucks and you basically have to take the green line otherwise you are screwed
MyRespectableAlt t1_j9re6x9 wrote
Maybe, but the conversation there is dreadful .
[deleted] t1_j9regvx wrote
fakeuser888 t1_j9riwxm wrote
The city doesn't add restaurants.
There will be a new location opening on Boylston Street in Back Bay.
2nd-Hand-Butt-Plug t1_j9rs8wv wrote
I've been curious to try them myself, but for the reasons you posted, I couldn't be bothered.
I would like to see more Chick-Fil-A's around here that aren't a PITA to get to or have to drive more than 15 -20 minutes away.
Feisty-Donkey t1_j9s47p8 wrote
Cane’s is just so much better. The sauce alone puts them in a league above Chik Fil A. (That and they aren’t owned by deranged religious fascists)
2nd-Hand-Butt-Plug t1_j9s76g1 wrote
> (That and they aren’t owned by deranged religious fascists)
JFC <Eye Roll> Whatever.
Feisty-Donkey t1_j9s7gek wrote
I mean, I wasn’t one of the people downvoting you but go off. Eat inferior chicken and give your money to the weird Jesus Super Bowl ad guy. Have fun.
2nd-Hand-Butt-Plug t1_j9sb3ld wrote
"Inferior" is a matter of opinion. I'm really curious about Caines, but not that curious that I'd go out of the way for them or Chick-Fil-A (the nearest one to me is in Framingham. About a 30 minute drive or more).
Maybe Caines is better... maybe it isn't. Either way I wouldn't let their politics get in my way... a chicken sandwich is a chicken sandwich.
Speaking of, a few more Popeyes would be welcome.
redheelermama t1_j9t3zv1 wrote
Okay hear me out, it’s a bit of a drive, but raising canes is ALMOST open at their new location in Marlboro
ijustlikebeingnosy t1_j9tfk7h wrote
No city/town adds restaurants or businesses. Restaurants/business apply for licenses and while the city/town can deny, they don’t just add them.
slientxx OP t1_j9tsyjf wrote
technically they do add them if they are the ones accepting the bid. no need to be so precise and different mr. ijustlikebeingnosy, my whole point is we need more raising canes and its fair to say we do
ijustlikebeingnosy t1_j9ttisi wrote
For one, I’m not Mr. you turd. Second, they approve when submitted they don’t just add, and they aren’t bids. Third, there is a need to be precise since you clearly don’t know the process. Lastly, it’s it’s not its. Please go back to school.
slientxx OP t1_j9tw2m4 wrote
not you trying to be the grammar police when i literally take AP literature and won 2 scholastic writing pieces lmfao there was never a requirement to put grammar in this subreddit. i'm already at school unlike your old nappy ass calling me a turd.. there is no reward for what you said and they do in fact add them if they can deny/accept a business to a city. you just don't wanna accept that because your ego is too high on reddit and need to understand my whole point was that we should have more canes around the area because its crowded. go criticize that instead would you now?
Thac0 t1_j9tystu wrote
Is raising canes a restaurant for angry disabled people or seniors? Only a guess from the name
slientxx OP t1_j9u038f wrote
actually majority are college students considering its right next to a campus. but theres a small portion of people who will dedicate their morning to driving 15 miles just to reach the nearest raising canes and illegally park at the employee parking lot behind the building in hopes they wont get caught
[deleted] t1_j9ue6i7 wrote
somegummybears t1_j9uhegd wrote
Take the T. It stops right outside.
Ride a bike. There is a BlueBikes dock RIGHT OUTSIDE. That street has perhaps the best protected bike lanes in the city. Biking is a great way to get there considering ALL of their combos are over 1000 calories NOT including the drink.
Why are you driving? If you want a suburban lifestyle, move to the suburbs.
Northeastern_J t1_j9uifmy wrote
I heard the Back Bay location is getting stalled due to required licenses. Apparently the people who live above it aren't happy ones getting out in there. Sounds about NIMBY for Back Bay
vesselgroans t1_j9uj8sn wrote
Lmfao I fucking hate teenagers. Fuck off kid.
vesselgroans t1_j9ujf5p wrote
You're actually a moron wow.
Take it up with the owner of the restaurant if you want more locations. Did they not teach you that in AP Lit?
SpiritedCamel_ t1_j9ujvjl wrote
I haven't tried the locations in Boston. But the one I did try was really good. Great chicken + great sauce + great texas toast.
slimeyamerican t1_j9v4avw wrote
Not sure but it’s outrageous, I’d call the mayor’s office
Lurking1821 t1_j9vd8tr wrote
That’s opening in April! They made a lot of progress on that so quickly too
iBarber111 t1_j9vn57y wrote
I know you all are flaming this person but just give them a break - those chicken fingers are freaking incredible. They'll drive a man mad.
earlylarge t1_j9vollb wrote
Methuen location coming soon as well
themuthafuckinruckus t1_j9vuog9 wrote
“I can’t find parking near the gigantic urban campus that has one of the busiest streets in the city running through it!!”
Yeah no shit, we can’t either. Get in line lmao.
somegummybears t1_j9vuwrd wrote
Also, complaining that the place is too busy while also complaining that they don’t have parking. Clearly they aren’t struggling; you want more people going there?
Trpdoc t1_j9w5pk0 wrote
Why do you like it so much? Is it cheap?
slientxx OP t1_j9w6a58 wrote
not really the price its just really good. especially the sauce its definitely worth the hype
slientxx OP t1_j9w6c07 wrote
finally someone gets it
crispr-dev t1_j9w82ur wrote
I’d rather not another fast food greasy chain restaurant but maybe that’s just my cold take.
Trpdoc t1_j9w9h1u wrote
I’ve been but like many years ago it was ok but nothing compared to the new chicken places like hot chix
tim_p t1_j9wk3fo wrote
They should sell a long donut with raisins called a "Raisin Cane."
socialthrowaway87 t1_j9wohsy wrote
I’ve literally seen it look the same for like months now. Maybe it’s even been a year.
[deleted] t1_j9wom8a wrote
[deleted] t1_j9rdw1y wrote