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michael_scarn_21 t1_je5nmyk wrote

We need an honest manager who is not a yes guy. "This is the funding we receive and this is why it's inadequate to meet our needs." This new guy is near the end of his career so I hope he won't be afraid to rock the boat like this. Call the state out for underfunding the T. Also fix the culture of bad management at the T, no more safety inspections being signed off without an actual inspection and we need an effective oversight board that holds the T to account.


ik1nky t1_je61nhq wrote

I don't think he's the guy to say this. He was asked 2x at the press conference if he had Healey's full support including increased funding if needed. The first time he didn't answer the funding portion, the second time he said he would not use funding as an excuse and would work with what he has. It's hard for me to read that as anything other than Healey telling him that he will get no more funding for operations, which is reflected in her budget.


ToadScoper OP t1_je5os92 wrote

The real issue with the T is the Baker-appointed control board which has failed the agency on every possible level since it was formed in 2021. Unfortunately, our governor does not recognize this, so even if the new manager is competent and transparent nothing will happen with the current board in charge. Imo appointing a new competent and proactive board is far more of a priority than a new gm


chrfr t1_je5p92r wrote

This board is the one which didn’t ask any questions at all when Jeff Gonneville went in front of them to provide an update on the latest CRRC Red/Orange train car fiasco. They’re not actually taking any leadership and need to be removed immediately. Until that happens, there’s no GM who will ever find success with the MBTA.


Aroon164 t1_je5qs6h wrote

There is no need for a control board. Let the GM manage as he sees fit if he fails it’s on him. The fiscal management control board was a bad idea to begin with. The fiscal management control board only added another layer of bureaucratic BS and less of a chance that change would happen. Charlie Baker was given everything he asked for as far as the T goes and he didn’t change anything for better.


ToadScoper OP t1_je5us92 wrote

The previous board was highly regarded and actually ran the T very well. They got capital projects such as the GLX and SCR back on track and even planned for commuter rail electrification. Any progress the previous board made was pulled back when the Baker-appointed board was put in charge in 2021.


Aroon164 t1_je6r3ok wrote

The board was Baker appointed from the beginning. GLX has never been on track over budget and behind schedule from the beginning. AFC 2.0 is the same. Green line train protection is even worse. The orange and red line trains speak for themselves. What did they get correct? They had a 3 year moratorium on the tax payer protection act and all they did was give private contractors capital projects that went over budget and behind schedule.


BobbyBrownsBoston t1_je6bwv1 wrote

He already finished his career. He’s here for some money and won’t rock the boat.

I guess that’s the best we could hope for