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downthewell62 t1_je5uyrm wrote

What is the legal process to do this? Can Wu it? If so, she needs to


Sheol t1_je5x7o4 wrote

Wu basically isn't in the conversation for the MBTA. She can exert influence, but has not jurisdictional power.


ToadScoper OP t1_je5wqdl wrote

Wu can't do anything, the T control board answers to the governor (which is a whole issue of its own). Baker created the control board to manage the T’s finances, management, and operations to ultimately "fix" the T. This idealism was thrown out of the window in 2021 when he appointed the current board, so we're left with a powerful board that does jack. Healey would need to directly intervene and appoint a new board or even create some form of new governance, which she seems totally uninterested in doing as of now.