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EnjoyTheNonsense t1_je1qoz3 wrote

I know this is a tough concept. But construction detail shifts are done outside of the normal shifts. What you would be suggesting is having them do added overtime in patrol.


DerekMcLeod t1_je1t044 wrote

I'd much rather the city pay police overtime to police, not stand next to an Eversource truck browsing instagram. I get it and I 100% do not blame BPD officers for taking advantage of that- I would too. but there are legitimate problems that need to be solved in the city. Traffic is a disaster and the murder rate is double what it was last YTD, to name a few.


[deleted] t1_je1xaua wrote

Yeah, my biggest issue is police unions promoting the necessity of sworn officer details over civ flag men with rare, cherry picked examples of "right place, right time." Every once in a while, some shit will pop off and a cop is nearby on a detail to jump in or at least provide direction of flight info. Doesn't seem like a good enough reason to not have them already nearby on directed patrols of very well known problem areas instead.

To be clear, I'm talking about traffic details where they sit in the cruiser and play Candy Crush. It does make sense to have both PD and FD details assigned to major venues and events where there are crowds.


Solar_Piglet OP t1_je21wo1 wrote

Everyone in this city that's not a cop thinks the details are bullshit. Thank whatever politicians put that through. But like the person you're replying to said -- the cops are going to work those details if they're available. It's practically free money.


detective_bigfoot t1_je1uhcq wrote

Construction detail is the only time you see them outside the cars on their feet


arch_llama t1_je2h62j wrote

I can't tell if you're being serious or not but I see uniformed officers on line at Dunks all the time.


SpindriftRascal t1_je1tv1x wrote

You’re right, it’s not a tough concept: Cops shouldn’t work paid details all day, and then come in to work their shift exhausted. For many cops, the detail checks become the main goal. Details should be mostly abolished.