Submitted by Hot_Salamander3795 t3_1255npp in boston
Common-Valuable9841 t1_je2khmp wrote
No_Judge_3817 t1_je2kom8 wrote
We're an atheistic city, god doesn't damn any cheesecake because our cheesecake doesn't believe in god
sderby t1_je2lqex wrote
Wow, I would have said 7ate9 bakery but they closed two days ago. :\
Now I have the same question.
SausageMcFlurry t1_je2m6gb wrote
The one you make yourself. Lemon zest + juice in the filling and a little cinnamon in the crust and that's the best goddamn cheesecake in Boston right there.
alphacreed1983 t1_je2nvjp wrote
[deleted] t1_je2orc9 wrote
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je2pt46 wrote
slide the recipe <3
Bnaker t1_je2qge5 wrote
anurodhp t1_je2r0ta wrote
Cheesecake Factory in Brockton
Wacky_Water_Weasel t1_je2u1i6 wrote
People are going to hate, but Market Basket deli counter has an incredible Steak Bomb.
Edit - I realized shortly after posting that OP asked for a cheesecake, but my brain read cheesesteak. I'm leaving this up in support of the MB Steak Bomb.
laughing-stockade t1_je2u76g wrote
that combination does not sound optimal at all
playkateme t1_je2ublr wrote
Not sure if links are allowed.. if not amy and Jacky instant pot New York cheesecake #17
Worth the gear
GatorMcqueen t1_je2v71g wrote
Comellas is surprisingly good for a place you wouldn’t expect but for my money I’d say Carl’s in Waltham
renuisancewoman t1_je2w21k wrote
Tatte has single-serve cups with crust and fruit on top. So good!
[deleted] t1_je2w9jq wrote
DagothDeez t1_je2wofr wrote
Bova deez nuts
Common-Valuable9841 t1_je2wrpw wrote
To your mom
DaisywithAsideofSass t1_je2x0be wrote
Mmmmm, Cheesesteak. My brain understands.
spaceflower890 t1_je2xbi5 wrote
Okay hear me out - Wegmans cheesecake is incredible and I find myself comparing other cheesecakes to theirs
spaceflower890 t1_je2xkbe wrote
Sally’s Baking addiction has a great recipe and she goes into the food science behind the ingredients and tips
Sayoria t1_je2yomb wrote
The best one I've had so far has been at Chart House by the Aquarium. I went there for Dine Out Boston and the Cheesecake was a dessert to choose. Got it and loved every minute of it. Especially the strawberry glaze.
DontDabTakeSlabs t1_je2ypvm wrote
You’re going to be downvoted to hell, but Juniors is another level
Sayoria t1_je2ywng wrote
I live next door to Brockton and have never seen a Cheesecake Factory there.
Wacky_Water_Weasel t1_je2zc46 wrote
It's just a universally loved and delicious sandwich. It's welcome in any conversation.
Granolapitcher t1_je2zicz wrote
Cheesecakes require a boiler in the oven too to keep the cake moist and not dry. Nobody makes their own cheesecake that I know
p53lifraumeni t1_je2zk8o wrote
Why’d they close?
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je2zvcn wrote
I’ll accept a goddamn cheesesteak, too.
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je309th wrote
Peterthepiperomg t1_je30d4d wrote
I can’t stand citrusy cheesecake
Thetoonshow t1_je30nr3 wrote
Don’t worry I read it the same way.
phonesmahones t1_je30q3n wrote
That is hilarious. And yes, their steak and cheese is good. I am under the impression that a cheesesteak has cheez wiz on it with or instead of actual cheese, though.
ProduceDelicious9870 t1_je30r2l wrote
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je30s2c wrote
y’all hear sumn??
phonesmahones t1_je30u0t wrote
A friend of mine loves Lyndell’s in Somerville.
Wacky_Water_Weasel t1_je31a05 wrote
I always thought that was specific to Philadelphia. Up here, and frankly most places I've ever had one, it's been shaved steak with american cheese in every cheese steak.
A Steak Bomb is the same thing, but you've added grilled peppers, onions, mushrooms, and then pepperoni and/or salami (but it should be both unless you're an enemy of democracy).
MarathonMum t1_je31ep3 wrote
Costco has them sometimes too
Sikntrdofbeinsikntrd t1_je32f9n wrote
Instant pot cheesecake is bomb
Sikntrdofbeinsikntrd t1_je32j05 wrote
Can confirm, also Neighbor. No factory.
[deleted] t1_je32lpv wrote
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je32n95 wrote
This sounds delightful - with cheesecake for dessert, perhaps?
phonesmahones t1_je3313r wrote
Shaved steak with American cheese is a steak and cheese. Add the cheez wiz, and you have a cheesesteak.
mtbv08 t1_je334fi wrote
Yes, Carl's Steak Subs is known for their cheesecake...
me_bot t1_je33h3p wrote
This is where I got my birthday cake last year and it was TERRIFIC. Very sad they closed.
Wacky_Water_Weasel t1_je33j77 wrote
That would pair so God damned well. Salty, briney, savory steak bomb washed back with a sweet, silky cheesecake. You just made you're dinner plans my friend.
Temporary-Pain-8098 t1_je33u7l wrote
South Station to New York.
LibertineDeSade t1_je33x2y wrote
Please, for the love of the Liberty Bell, don't put cheese whiz on your steak sammiches.
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je340ga wrote
Ok, where in New York though
schmendimini t1_je34dpr wrote
I read the same thing. I was about to comment Philly before I read your reply
beeeeeebs t1_je34hyb wrote
Can’t beat a classic with juniors
thebakersfloof t1_je358mh wrote
You can also bake it low and slow. I fucking hate water baths. A 6-7 hour bake of a cheesecake at 200°F and an overnight chill in the fridge yielded the best cheesecake I have ever eaten.
Also, I believe r/baking would disagree with no one making their own cheesecake. People take on all sorts of absurdly fiddly bakes there.
phonesmahones t1_je35auq wrote
(I would never)
Lisitska t1_je35t56 wrote
Ricotta pie, Modern Pastry, North End.
sadiesatellite t1_je3617u wrote
You can get juniors at stop and shop!
lucascorso21 t1_je36ald wrote
Not true, doesn't matter the cheese type. My old order was american, wit (referring to onions), and roasted peppers. Born and lived in Philly for 20+ years.
Thatguyyoupassby t1_je373qj wrote
Yeah, this is up there for sure.
I will hate on Tatte for some things as much as the next person (like mediocre sandwiches for $16), but their pastries are superb.
Their passion fruit Krembo is a top-3 dessert in Boston for me.
silocren t1_je37mo2 wrote
Carl's makes great burritos as well
dgnatey t1_je399qd wrote
Hana Quon has entered the chat...
Cocaine_Turkey t1_je39i2x wrote
Because six was too scared to go there.
NorthernLight27 t1_je39rfo wrote
Cheese cake factory
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je39w3u wrote
b-but… $10 for a slice..
masterofcreases t1_je3a15j wrote
Tatte cheesecake is a top contender. It sucks that it’s a small cup and kinda pricey for the amount.
[deleted] t1_je3a4pn wrote
UpsideMeh t1_je3a55w wrote
The word bomb insinuates peppers. So a steak bomb has some sort of bell or spicy pepper.
wtfamidoingfr t1_je3by7h wrote
MB steak and cheese slapssssss
Hot_Salamander3795 OP t1_je3ca7q wrote
Where’s that originate from?
NorthernLight27 t1_je3cpg8 wrote
Unfortunately yes
idkhow2userddt t1_je3cqux wrote
Haven't had their cheesecake, but I haven't met a dessert I didn't liked at D'orsi's in Peabody
Beautiful_Fennel_434 t1_je3cws4 wrote
I'm so sad they closed :( . I went this past Saturday to get a couple of their cheesecakes one last time, huge crowd there - now I'm looking at this thread to see about other places to get cheesecake but it just won't be the same.
notswasson t1_je3dgsw wrote
Does theirs have the little chocolate chips in it? A friend of a friend of a friend brought a ricotta pie to a party once and it was stupendous, but I never did find out where they got it and I've been chasing that ricotta pie dragon ever since...
mediaguide2 t1_je3dhwh wrote
Their carrot cake is amazing too!
My-Left-Plate t1_je3e102 wrote
Sweaty and rubbery. Not great.
[deleted] t1_je3fc5y wrote
Good-Front-756 t1_je3fcnc wrote
Nova’s bakery
DSii1983 t1_je3fgcz wrote
Best cheesecake in NYC is S&S cheesecake…literal hole in the wall in the Bronx. But they have a website and you can order. Source: am a chunky NY gal who loves cheesecake
Trombone_Tone t1_je3fj8s wrote
It is quite good. Lyndell’s is good for just about any baked good that your grandmother loves. They are painfully old-school, but they are good at what they do.
Personally, I wish they would freshen up the menu a little
UpsideMeh t1_je3gdfn wrote
Just always noticed it. No clue
jujubee516 t1_je3grmm wrote
I enjoy cheesecake factory (for reals)
N1g1rix t1_je3h2ms wrote
Glad I’m not alone 😅
phonesmahones t1_je3hfqi wrote
I’ve never had their cheesecake. Being from East Somerville, I was always a Patsy’s person. Alas…
irish786 t1_je3hlwc wrote
Raspberry swirl cheesecake at Flour cafe
rainrunner94 t1_je3hsjp wrote
Cheesecake Factory
gunfrees t1_je3iufv wrote
3 little figs in somerville has an amazing sandwich called “the market”
WatermelonNurse t1_je3jwft wrote
My home. I got a little jiggle or firm. Only plain. Not too sweet.
aboudalhmood t1_je3kj6o wrote
Spinelli's has the best NY style cheesecake around Boston
satan_sloth t1_je3ky1q wrote
Not a chance! I’ve had this pie every Christmas for the past 15 years. It’s perfection every time.
[deleted] t1_je3o097 wrote
SpookZero t1_je3pw3a wrote
I think you mean Cheesesteak Factory
MatNomis t1_je3t8jk wrote
If you like chocolate in your cheesecake, my vote would be Quebrada Baking company. I’m not normally big on cheesecake, but their little mini chocolate cheesecakes are tiny yet satisfying and I rarely walk out of there without buying one. Not sure if they have them in bigger sizes, I never manage to make it there until later in the day.
They have a blueberry option, too. And it tastes good. Not sure how it ranks among others, though.
Haptiix t1_je3wisq wrote
Best sandwich I’ve had in greater Boston has got to go to the Concord Cheese Shop. Great shop run by great people & the deli counter serves fucking unbelievable sandwiches. The one with Turkey & Avocado is next level
nebrija t1_je3wusw wrote
I mean cheesteak cheesecake? I'd give it a college try
jrichard08 t1_je3wytp wrote
Ppl say cheesecake factory but Dutch Kitchen and usually any hole in the wall diner has amazing cheesecake too. I gotta also agree with Market Basket! Let us know what u choose!
sneakinsnake t1_je3xd74 wrote
Chicken salad top tier tho
Crack-is-whack-yo t1_je3xymq wrote
Oven Essence, North Attleboro
forillaginger t1_je4fwsw wrote
Alden Merrill.
General_Piano_5568 t1_je4ghyw wrote
Honestly …. Cheesecake Factory cheese cake is great . I don’t care that it’s a chain. I’m sure modern and mikes “ North End” hold up as well. There’s gotta be a smaller mom and pop that also have some top notch CC
notswasson t1_je4ht1c wrote
Certainly worth trying. Thanks
free_to_muse t1_je4ii0i wrote
South Station to Philly
OnundTreefoot t1_je4jquw wrote
You can probably find a good Wiccan bakery up in Salem.
SeaJay1187 t1_je4k72b wrote
Cheesecake is goat and easy to make. Try it out
bootlamp t1_je4ki9b wrote
also, DO NOT sleep on the "buffalo chicken bites" they put out in the warming thing with the rotisserie chickens. I repeat. DO NOT SLEEP ON THE BUFFALO BITES.
OakenGreen t1_je4m2by wrote
It’s fuckin delicious. I don’t even care. Lived in Philly for a bit and that’s their weird local variant. Had to give it a shot.
seriousnotshirley t1_je4m2f3 wrote
Wegmans has them.
RentADream t1_je4mtin wrote
This is the one. They don’t always have it, but when they do nothing else comes close
laughing-stockade t1_je4p7gc wrote
theres also basque cheesecake, the objectively correct cheesecake, which just cooks in the oven at highish temp
the_frank_rizzo t1_je4qks6 wrote
“Hey Fez, we have any cheesesteak back there? I’m starving…”
the_frank_rizzo t1_je4qpq8 wrote
Take the trip to Lawrence. Tripoli bakery has best cheesecake ever.
Glittering_Quail7589 t1_je4ruym wrote
Try Bova’s in the North End. It will be an instant favorite!
[deleted] t1_je4s2ks wrote
Granite017 t1_je4s6mn wrote
Arthur’s in Medford on Somerville line. There’s really no comparison. Blows anything in the north end out of the water. I love a good cheese cake and have traveled extensively over the world, but their cheesecake is the best I’ve ever had.
Significant-Ad-7415 t1_je4sprg wrote
Flan > cheesecake
[deleted] t1_je4sz6v wrote
United-Hyena-164 t1_je4w69a wrote
Does it need to be forsaken and cursed by the almighty deity or is it ok if it just tastes good?
juniorone t1_je4wovv wrote
They are great and have tons of options. My favorite is the raspberry lime cheesecake. Just keep in mind that a slice is probably half of your daily calorie intake. Worth it though.
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_je4xml1 wrote
Six for 2! Six for 2!
PArsenal82 t1_je4ymzp wrote
Well said! The only real answer. Everyone knows it, no one admits it.
jujubee516 t1_je50ii8 wrote
I need to try that one!
Ok_District2853 t1_je50u5z wrote
I want to shop there, but the treats are too powerful. Just the regular chocolate chip cookies are outstanding. The cheese cakes, the regular cakes, good god the 5 layer cakes and strawberry short cakes. I can't shop next to crack. Who could buy apples after that? You'd have to be a navy seal to walk past all that and buy lettuce. C'mon.
nollielazer t1_je53ozz wrote
I’m a transplant from upstate NY- and I will die on the Wegmans hill- most of their products are incredible
[deleted] t1_je5azb5 wrote
[deleted] t1_je5b5er wrote
downrightfierce51 t1_je5lg4e wrote
The dessert game at Wegmans has set the bar so high for grocery store desserts. I once grabbed one of the last remaining cake slices of the night not expecting much and it was incredible
_some_white_guy t1_je5rckw wrote
Never heard a Philadelphian get roasted peppers on their steak.
lucascorso21 t1_je5somi wrote
<shrug> its on every menu so not sure why.
People tend to focus on the pure order, which is just gatekeeping BS. A lot of places have interesting variations. One of the best new(ish) places has a "truffle wiz" which is supposedly incredible.
LibertineDeSade t1_je60obh wrote
I was born and raised in Philly, actually grew up a few blocks from Pats and Genos. I promise you, it's the tourist variant. LMAO. I try to warn people, I try so hard. But if it makes you happy, I support it... reluctantly.
OakenGreen t1_je60yb6 wrote
Hey I lived there for a year. Had to try it once. Usually I got American but I gotta try everything. I actually probably didn’t live too far from you. I rented a second floor apartment on the 100 block of market street.
Accomplished_Ad_9288 t1_je636gm wrote
Not sure if they are selling it right now, but Flour hands down.
[deleted] t1_je645xp wrote
scootzbeast t1_je67iwd wrote
Also there are no Market Baskets in Boston. The closest is Chelsea and Somerville
oliviajoon t1_je6an4i wrote
hell yeah. a single slice of s’mores cheesecake from there lasts me 3-4 desserts.
MediocreAd9430 t1_je6c665 wrote
Cheesecake Factory
bobrob48 t1_je6ikh2 wrote
Pretty sure whole foods carries them too, though idk if it's always or just sometimes
LibertineDeSade t1_je6t76q wrote
Ah, you were in Old City. I was the other way, growing up on the other side of Broad Street. I did live down 4th and South for a couple years as an adult though, so not too far from there. You were definitely in the "not from here" area. LOL But it's cool though Old City is a great area, especially for going out. Shame we never met though, I could have taken you to a papi store to get a real good, greasy cheeseteak for less that $10.
OakenGreen t1_je6x5gh wrote
I made a few local friends that took me to some nice areas but yeah I was just moving through and the rent was ridiculously cheap there. It got me through an interesting time in my life, and i lived right next to my work. But yeah I was definitely in the tourist zone.
_JayC114 t1_je74viz wrote
Cheesecake, cheesesteaks what’s the difference!!! lol 😂
TalentedCilantro12 t1_je792ig wrote
Does anyone else think it's sad that the best cheesecake here is at the cheesecake factory?
Lonely_Law_6068 t1_je7bnkq wrote
They also have great cheesecake. It’s like 2 something.
Lonely_Law_6068 t1_je7c74a wrote
In Waltham?
Over-Customer5722 t1_je7vv9a wrote
Caramel turtle cheesecake from Butcher Boy in North Andover, it slaps real hard
LibertineDeSade t1_je7xo53 wrote
Ah cheap rent... those were the days. I'm in the process of permanently moving to NY and it is wild how close the rents are coming these days. Anyway, it's good you got to see some place around. It's a fun city.
Jexsica t1_je89ron wrote
Also whole foods but I tasted a little like how petroleum would taste
chronicallyill_dr t1_je8myrw wrote
Came here to say this. I always get it for my birthday, it’s the best cheesecake ever!
SausageMcFlurry t1_jebbuyo wrote
NYT has a great cheesecake recipe. Add 1 tsp cinnamon to the crust and 2 tsp lemon juice + 2 tsp lemon zest to the filling. Bake it at the temp they say but don't take it out until the crust starts to brown, their recommended time is not enough. Best goddamn cheesecake I ever did have
jimmynoarms t1_jegnyxu wrote
Fuck this is bad news.
RhaenyrasUncle t1_je2k6r5 wrote
You order a Juniors Cheesecake online.