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d0nutd0n t1_jdhceu7 wrote

I used Google Fi when traveling internationally. I just registered online, it’s a month to month plan, popped the sim in and I was good to go. I cancelled it once I got back to the states.


wobwobwob42 t1_jdhpzbq wrote

I second this. I ended up staying with Fi afterwards. Works great for me.


need2know2 t1_jdichx8 wrote

What is the Google Fi speed overseas?


d0nutd0n t1_jdidxug wrote

I believe Google picky backs off the local cell towers so internet speeds can vary. I can’t speak on exact numbers, but I used it throughout Amsterdam, London and Paris just fine. I was able to use my maps for navigation and stream videos off YouTube.


[deleted] t1_jdiin02 wrote

I can confirm it works pretty good in Boston. Not the best up in the mountains a few hours north though


need2know2 t1_jdili7e wrote

According to wiki:

>Google Fi uses the T-Mobile network.

In the US, that is fine. Overseas, T-Mobile's speed was (is?) 2G and 3G, depending on the countries' local networks. Can be very slow for Google Maps. The speed can be upgraded for a cost. Is that the same for Google Fi?


pizza_breakfast t1_jdj1685 wrote

I have Google Fi, my partner has T-Mobile. Not sure what the deal is but my service abroad has always been far better than theirs. This includes Western and Central Europe, Southeast Asia, and Central America.