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michael_scarn_21 t1_je6rdl8 wrote

If you want to attract women with your British accent go to the Midwest. I'm an average looker and I was fighting women off there. It doesn't work as well in Boston which is probably for the best in my case because I hate attention lol.

May and June is usually lovely. Boston has terrible nightlife in terms of clubs but some great bars and breweries. Most places close by midnight and 2am is the very latest.

Boston is expensive to stay in but it is a lovely city with great museums, some interesting neighbourhoods and shite public transit. Definitely worth checking out. I'd also recommend getting the Amtrak up to Portland for a couple of nights, for its size it has a better food and drink scene than Boston.


Ieatflowers68 OP t1_je6v233 wrote

Haha ah well as much as I'd love to be fighting off women, I can't justify booking a holiday solely for that reason. Plus I'm not a fan of warm climates so the mid-west would probably be a no-go for me in the summer.

2am close is fine. I'm not looking to spend my whole holiday drinking and I've always preferred a nice cosy pub night than getting rat-arsed in a club anyway.

Hmm I don't know much about that Portland. I'd only heard of the one in Oregon. Might have to check it out.



jack9lemmon t1_je709on wrote

It's probably obvious, but he meant Portland Maine. Sometimes we have to make that clarification because there's actually 30ish Portland's in the US.

Just wanted to point that out before you ended up in a completely different state than intended.


Ieatflowers68 OP t1_je72oa2 wrote

Haha yeah I figured that was the one he meant, but thanks for double-checking.

>there's actually 30ish Portland's in the US

Wow that's a fair few, though I guess a country of your size is bound to result in a fair bit of repetition.


jack9lemmon t1_je73cmh wrote

I have no factual basis to this, but I'm pretty sure if a town exists in one New England state, it exists in all of them. And then there's MA which basically stole all of your county town names and used them here.


quiksilver123 t1_jeb2c3k wrote

>Haha ah well as much as I'd love to be fighting off women, I can't justify booking a holiday solely for that reason.

Go to Colombia and you might rethink that stance.

Also, for hiking, there's the Blue Hills Reservation in Milton/Canton. Not super expansive or anything, but great considering it's proximity to the city and MBTA access.


Ieatflowers68 OP t1_jedsz0l wrote

"Go to Colombia and you might rethink that stance." Ah so it's the Bangkok of South America then?

"Also, for hiking, there's the Blue Hills Reservation in Milton/Canton. Not super expansive or anything, but great considering it's proximity to the city and MBTA access." I might give that a go. Would you say it's better than the Middlesex Fells and the Lynn Woods reservations, or just easier to access via public transport? Thanks


quiksilver123 t1_jee811c wrote

Have never been to Thailand so can't compare, but if you're referencing a Red light district, it certainly has those like any other Latin-American country. But that's not what I was referencing. Plenty of super-attractive, feminine women who aren't pros was the gist.

Haven't never been to Middlesex Falls or Lynn Woods, but I'm pretty sure Blue Hills is much bigger than either of those. If you're into history, the Blue Hills Weather Observatory is the oldest running weather observatory in the US as well. Not 100% sure, but I'd guess Blue Hills is also more T accessible than either of the other two.