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impostershop t1_jd44e77 wrote

It’s prom season, so depending on your desired look there should be dresses everywhere… but beware they’re in high demand. Shop asap. Try macys first, then branch out to other places.


walterbernardjr t1_jd4j874 wrote

It’s March, isn’t Prom in June?


impostershop t1_jd4peoz wrote

Nope. April and May. Half the girls I know already have their dresses


walterbernardjr t1_jd56hv1 wrote

Weird, when I was in school it was definitely end of May or early june


MrPap t1_jd9h5hp wrote

Most places have moved it up to give space to those taking AP, IB, and end of year exams.


priyatequila t1_jd6eebu wrote

April and may depending on when the school year ends for that high school. "prom season" just means lead up to prom & prom. so yeah everyone is dress hunting like crazy now.