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Ok-Influence4884 t1_jdh0hgh wrote

I just cancelled The Saturday/Sunday Globe 2 weeks ago (I had a 75% off for 16 weeks deal) and the guy on the phone pestered me for 3 rounds to try and keep me.


felicityshaircut t1_jdh5sci wrote

I should’ve mentioned ATK in the toxic workplaces post. I knew several ppl who worked there when Chris Kimball was at the helm and they hated it and him. Hope it’s better now that he’s gone.


Thisbymaster t1_jdhce09 wrote

Good, if you can sign up online you should be able to cancel online.


somegummybears t1_jdhcide wrote

California has something like this. And it applies to out of state companies, like the Globe. If you sign up with your CA billing address, a cancel button magically appears on their website.


mister_newman t1_jdhh1hx wrote

SCOTUS in 6 months: we find this unconstitutional because we want to keep sucking the corporate dick.


hound29 t1_jdhh8lt wrote

Now that ATK has been purchased I have no hope for the future!


powsandwich t1_jdhi8wo wrote

I quit the globe years back by telling the guy I was moving out of the country. He then asked if I might ask the people moving into my apartment if they are interested in subscribing in my place. Bruh...


ich_habe_keine_kase t1_jdhnefe wrote

I started to cancel my Globe subscription (I was on the $1 trial) last year online and when I went to hit submit, it offered me a discount instead. I declined that, and it offered me a bigger discount. Declined that one too, and was offered a year for something stupidly cheap like $10, so I still have a subscription. So I guess their plan worked, but I've now given them $11 for 18 months of access so I'm OK with that.


eigiarce t1_jdhqk1m wrote

Ha. I realize that in the past they were the poster child of shitty cancellation policies (and super shitty behavior at the start of covid) , but for what its worth I just canceled my membership and it was as straightforward as could be. Didn't even have to provide 30 days notice or whatever BS is standard with gyms to keep you on the hook for one additional month.


peteysweetusername t1_jdhqx0r wrote

Cvs - do you want to opt in for advertising spam? Yes, click this screen. No? Well you’re already opted in but if you want to opt out call our call center in India, wait on hold for 15 minutes, and struggle to communicate opting out to someone who barely speaks English.

I don’t know why this hasn’t been implemented years ago. Congress used to make laws forbidding spam calls at certain times and different sound levels during commercials


PapayaJuice t1_jdi1qkk wrote

I used to work in email. CA spam and unsubscribe laws are so good and the closest we have to consumer protection in stuff like email subscriptions that Canada and EU have. Really hope these sort of things make their way to the rest of the US.


MarquisJames t1_jdi698u wrote

Canceling a globe subscription might be the most annoying thing to do on the planet. Have to go through 10 discounted offers before they finally cancel.


Far_Craft6841 t1_jdii41z wrote

I bought one of those ATK hardbound annuals a few years ago. Every year since, like clockwork, they send me a new one, along with an invoice. Literally illegal. And yes, I called them the first time to stop. So how do I cancel a subscription I never signed up for?


NoButThanks t1_jdj04rn wrote

Oh phew, thankfully Globe Direct isn't affected. Since you don't have to sign up in the first place.