Submitted by jazzdrums1979 t3_11zoohq in boston
Icy-Neck-2422 t1_jddbdag wrote
Route 24 things.
willzyx01 t1_jddduqs wrote
Nature will take its' course.
SutterCane t1_jddebrq wrote
sporky211 t1_jddeqer wrote
ive seen "ghost riding" before but never this. Hope it isn't some dumb new social media trend
RhaenyrasUncle t1_jddfrpx wrote
Nah mans is a menace. 😅
transcengent420 t1_jddjvmf wrote
wobwobwob42 t1_jddjy67 wrote
Took my brain way too long to figure out what I was looking at....
BigHmmEnergy t1_jddpi1z wrote
Him and his dog switched places
BikerHikerHorse t1_jddqcop wrote
He's gonna send the reserve chute back to Kitty when he gets back to England. Silk. Figures it'll make a good wedding dress, you know. What with the rationing and all.
Skoles t1_jddrdp0 wrote
> ...driving at Rt 24 speeds...
Nice save.
Mumbles76 t1_jddrl23 wrote
It used to be the Tobin bridge that led you to the shittiest parts of Massachusetts. Now it's Route 24, south.
jazzdrums1979 OP t1_jddwe1b wrote
The Rt. 24 speedway, left lane travel encouraged at a minimum of 90 MPH.
Heliocentrist t1_jddx37y wrote
as if Rt 24 wasn't already full of maniacs
bingbong6977 t1_jde93kh wrote
Lmao ghost ride the whip
Lordofthereef t1_jdeamar wrote
Yes. It's called the "peely" because you're inevitably going to end up being peeled off the pavement if you do it enough.
macdiesel412 t1_jdeeix1 wrote
Route 24 is a stupid road.
currens_felis t1_jdek8qo wrote
What is that hanging out the window?
jazzdrums1979 OP t1_jdemgn5 wrote
A young misguided lad unfortunately.
SufficientTicket t1_jdesu1p wrote
martian_band_81 t1_jdet1ce wrote
It's wheelie stupid
Furdinand t1_jdf5f2b wrote
The beanie blended into the trees, I thought it was an airbag or something.
Reckless--Abandon t1_jdfdx2z wrote
At least he ain’t taking pictures while driving
el_duderino88 t1_jdff78x wrote
It's taking over for 495, at least when we did stupid shit on 495 it was after midnight when nobody else was around
ohgoodthnks t1_jdfohs1 wrote
SBLOU t1_jdg5h7x wrote
Driver must have let loose a wicked fart that even he couldn’t stand
shartgarfunkle t1_jdg8yd2 wrote
I now understand all the crosses on route 24
geminimad4 t1_jdg8zij wrote
Reminds me of nightmares that I have where I'm driving a moving car but somehow am in the backseat and trying to get at the steering wheel and pedals.
eiviitsi t1_jdh8q6r wrote
And hopefully no one else with him.
[deleted] t1_jdh9803 wrote
FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jdhie29 wrote
Shit like this needs to be able to reported to the police for follow-up.
Senior-Self6817 t1_jdhkuha wrote
You send the evidence to MSP? Dead to rights
NateJTB t1_jdpd4j3 wrote
Attempted murder? Straight to jail.
jazzdrums1979 OP t1_jddanld wrote
Just to give you more context, this is the driver, when I passed him I checked there we’re no passengers in the vehicle. I’m in the left lane driving at Rt 24 speeds this guy has to be going at least 65.