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gradeAvisuals t1_jdy8w2c wrote

Same thing happened to me on 93 North near Assembly a couple years ago, except it was a traffic cone that the van in front of me ran over and sent hurtling towards my car. Fucked up my bumper pretty bad.

The year before that some kind of desk/drawer was in the road under a broken street light, around a curve in the road, also on 93 North near Assembly. That one popped my tire and destroyed my bumper.

And just last night, on Route 18 in Weymouth, some sharp object I didn't see instantly popped my tire and scraped two gouges out of my door.

Oh, the joys of driving in and around Boston!


charons-voyage t1_jdzgoz6 wrote

We have a state-of-the-art, world class subway system and intricate network of bicycle infrastructure, why are you driving?

(/s in case it was needed)