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Yakb0 t1_je0pjwd wrote

when I take too long getting out of bed and have to attend my first conference call in the clothes I slept in.


ohhgrrl t1_je0t12b wrote

The fact that I’m at work.


Forsaken-Garlic4818 t1_je0x25b wrote

you haven't experienced true pain until you've been stuck behind MULTIPLE Chelsea Street Bridge raisings


[deleted] OP t1_je0yclg wrote

Well two people gave it a five star review and wrote “always traffic” and “stuck there for more than 20 minutes,” which leads me to believe they think a 5 star review means something else. So if they were rating accurately hey we maybe looking at the 1.8-2.1 range!


thejosharms t1_je0zztz wrote

Arrival and Dismissal at Mystic Valley Charter. On top of being a garbage organization they do a terrible job of managing parent traffic and employ some of the most aggressive crossing guards I've ever seen. Of course happens just offset enough from my school schedule to fuck it up M-Th


Frankenstien23 t1_je10aso wrote

Mattapan Square, people running reds, skipping the turn left line, etc


nattarbox t1_je11rrz wrote

my office is in the basement and the bathroom is on the second floor


SlightlyStoopkid t1_je12c3k wrote

i'm taking my life in my hands every time i go past the museum of science.


jamezbren2 t1_je1369d wrote

Not part of my commute, but trying to get down Brighton Ave or Harvard Ave in Allston at any time of day is always a nightmare


BurrDurrMurrDurr t1_je14r38 wrote

I’ll throw my non-driving one out here:

When I ride my bike to work (South End, Mass/Cass) from Porter Square. Half the commute is ok, I ride in protected lanes to the river and then to Mass bridge where I only have to worry about pedestrians.

THEN DOWN MASS AVE from the bridge. Holy shit I almost die 3-4 times every commute.


Jusmon1108 t1_je16n9n wrote

Route 2 through Fresh Pond to Soldiers Field.


Sea-Bit3713 t1_je1cg9z wrote

Going down Lynn Shore Drive (1A), North Shore drivers are insane; no signaling, speeding up to red lights, boldest moves I've ever seen


Jusmon1108 t1_je1cq4u wrote

The first rotary is always a clusterfuck and the second always has idiots from the right lane cut over to continue on Concord. Can’t count the number of times I’ve had to slam my brakes or swerve because of this.


Lovely_Vista t1_je1cu92 wrote

Washing my face and dragging my self hand over hand to my desk for that first conference call.


thejosharms t1_je1f9yp wrote

Oh yeah, nothing you can do about that.

We used to take our students to the UN, round trip to New York and back in one day on a bus. Drop kids off in Chelsea around 10:30, heading back to East Boston to my campus and the effing bridge went up.

Closest I've ever come to losing my mind and swearing in front of students


vis1onary t1_je1og52 wrote

The entire commute, Maverick to state street has been horrible lately


tsv1138 t1_je1p5j2 wrote

That moment when you look at the sign and it says "next orange line 20+ minutes" which means it is going to be a sardine can when it does arrive and the one following will be another 20 minutes after that one.


victorescu t1_je1sv8e wrote

Not having a commute but having to be extremely deliberate about having a morning routine otherwise my day is just crap. So I still have to do a 10-15 mins walk. And i make coffee just as a signal that it is work time. And i have to go on a walk after work again to separate evening from work.


marry-me-john-d t1_je1ur95 wrote

The few times a week I do commute, especially on weekends, taking the Williams Tunnel out of Eastie is a fucking nightmare


rather-more t1_je1x559 wrote

Waiting for the 1 bus to show up and then squeezing myself onto an uncomfortably full bus or watching the packed bus go by and waiting for the next one.


loranlily t1_je1ze8h wrote

Neponset Bridge, the light by UMass on Morrissey Boulevard, Old Colony Ave when the fucking Baldors truck blocks an entire lane delivering to Tatte, the light at the end of the W Fourth St bridge with the guy who walks up the middle of the two lanes… more or less all of it.


Educational-Charge93 t1_je2080z wrote

I drive on 495 everyday. The amount of people doing there hair and make up while driving is terrifying


InfiniteJessica t1_je22bfa wrote

Newton to Malden sucked. As did running out of gas on that stupid bridge where it’s illegal. 🙄


dyqik t1_je2bgvl wrote

The smell of commuter rail brakes.


xperimentalZa t1_je2p12x wrote

The part when I actually get to work is probably the worst of it all


Beer-Wall t1_je2qcsb wrote

Getting through Reservoir. Pretty big chance the train will standby or go express past my stop.


shaquilleoatmeal99 t1_je2s38z wrote

The rage I feel while waiting for the 39 bus. It's like it can smell your fear. If you ever need to go somewhere urgently, it's gonna make sure it's gonna be late af. It's never on times.


ShriekingMuppet t1_je2zlyw wrote

Some days the Red Line other days parking in the seaport…


CorbuGlasses t1_je33h9o wrote

Cell phones. I know people driving would find something else to be distracted by, but holy shit the number of people doing 45 in the left lane on the pike while staring down at their phone is beyond my understanding.


Finesser t1_je3iwus wrote

The set of lights near Assembly going toward malden where all the cars sneak in the right lane and then cut everyone off right in front of the light


vl_9319 t1_je3jf4g wrote

This. I ride SW corridor, then mass Ave into Cambridge. SW corridor is safe, then from Mass@Columbus to the bridge I have to pray. There's always either someone parked in the bike lane, or college students Jay walking, or people turning right onto Boylston with their eyes closed.


ikineba t1_je4r92b wrote

my commute changed from 1hr with the T to 30 mins driving, then the fuckers moved me to another office so now it’s 1hr drive one way. needless to say I’m looking for another place and another job