Submitted by raindropdrop3 t3_xygcl8 in boston

Complain about bike lanes, but when they are available they act like they are a full on car. They think the roads don't apply to them, and swerve in front of cars while they are never using the bike lane. (But of course complain about bike lanes).

If you are so worried about someone slightly in your bike lane and it's dangerous to you, but you clearly dont care about the latter.

The crossing light is on for pedestrians to cross and they act like they have no brakes to make a point. Constantly crossing in the ROAD where you're a blind spot causing drivers to brake and almost get into a collision.

When someone on a bike gets run over and killed we should feel bad. Pay attention to the road, you're not driving a car.



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corned_beef_balls t1_irh295j wrote

> If you are so worried about someone slightly in your bike lane and it’s dangerous to you, but you clearly dont care about the latter.

If the extent of your grammar knowledge is leap frog, I would understand why you don’t know the above is a run on sentence.

> Get your leap frog out reading device and read it slower

What is a “leap frog out reading device”?


ceciltech t1_irh2c1m wrote

Stand at any intersection and count the percentage of people driving cars doing stupid shit vs people on bikes. Now consider which one could easily kill you. Maybe your focus isn't about safety.


raindropdrop3 OP t1_irh2gnf wrote

You clearly didn't take it out and use it, try again


riski_click t1_irh2p7m wrote

I like the way you call the uber parking lane "the bike lane." I hope that catches on.


Anustart15 t1_irh30qm wrote

>Pay attention to the road, you're not driving a car.

I like the implication here that if you are driving a car, you don't need to pay attention to the road


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_irh57rp wrote

This will stir up the hornets nest for certain, and FTR, I agree with everything you posted, although I consider them more like a self righteous, entiltled public nuisance than a carnival act.

Expect the same typical, predictable 'BuT WhUt aBoT CaRz, aNd 30,00o TuNs oF DeAth mAcHiNeS' responses and excuses in their defense... oh wait... never mind... they're already here.


raindropdrop3 OP t1_irh5bde wrote

Yeah because everyone on bikes thinks they make the rules of the road, until a driver hits them and is at fault. Until you bikers get a car and understand then talk all you want lol


Anustart15 t1_irh62yh wrote

>Until you bikers get a car and understand then talk all you want lol

I ride a bike, drive a car, run, and walk in the city. Maybe you should try a few modes of transportation too to round out your perspective a little better.


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_irh6mgq wrote

Stop being so selfish. In case you didn't get the news, there's a global warming crisis going on right now.

If not for bicyclists, we'd be under 20' of water by now and we'd be taking the MBTA orange/red/green/ blue line submarine to work.


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_irh8tn7 wrote

Just so you know, you're asking someone that hides all my chemical waste in the bottom of leaf and lawn bags on pick-up days, changes my H1 Hummers oil over storm drains and burns kerosene soaked tires in my backyard fire pit.

What the fuck have you done?


TypicalImportance525 t1_irig279 wrote

Maybe the city should do something about the way people drive mopeds and scooters because if you crash at those speeds your really going to get hurt


--A3-- t1_irjxm65 wrote

>Expect the same typical, predictable 'BuT WhUt aBoT CaRz, aNd 30,00o TuNs oF DeAth mAcHiNeS' responses and excuses in their defense

Um, huh? Aside from health conditions such as cancer and heart or lung diseases (which cars are certainly doing no favors for, since they promote a more sedentary lifestyle and pollute the air with tailpipe emissions), motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common ways to die. That's not an exaggeration at all, car crashes are seriously one of the deadliest things in our society.


TheTr7nity t1_irk59hy wrote

I agree with this post!


mtmsm t1_irl1xo0 wrote

Were you under the impression that bikes can’t ride in the road? Cause they totally can. And if you don’t like that, you should be the world’s biggest advocate for better bike lanes!