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OP t1_iujiiem wrote

I have less than 0 time, so while this is interesting, it falls into the category of things I’m never going to find time to do 😅

I’d like to drink good coffee & support local business, but I was doing neither of those because the Trader Joe’s blend I had was good-enough and I could throw a bag in the cart when I was there.


t1_iujlkq4 wrote

fair enough, then I'm going to suggest George Howell in DTX. It's probably within a 10 minute walk from South Station, and they have a really good selection. Try the Tarrazu French Roast to start, that's my go-to, and it's also their cheapest at like $15/bag.

George Howell started Coffee Connection, which was our Starbucks in Boston before Starbucks bought them out..