Peeeculiar t1_iuh9l6f wrote
Oquieli Pascual-Hernandez seems to be a very willful boy. A rather naughty boy, if I may be so bold, sir.
SergeantThunderCock t1_iuh9ova wrote
Thank you to the BPD!
shanghaidry t1_iuhceoq wrote
Glad it's over! Can't wait for the True Crime Podcast episode and the Netflix special about this case.
IphtashuFitz t1_iuheopz wrote
Already had a B&E charge. So glad none of these peeping Tom incidents had escalated.
anurodhp t1_iuhgymr wrote
Not really, bail fund will make sure he’s back on the streets asap.
T-rex_chef t1_iuhh49v wrote
I bet Marky Mark is already buying the rights to this story. He'll play a Boston cop who pushes the envelope to stop this peeping terror
9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 t1_iuhhnua wrote
If this guy has enough money to pay his own bail, does that make a difference to you?
What an odd thing to fixate on. Not even a "tough on crime" stance, but specifically a "tough on only those who can't pay their own bail" stance. How bizarre.
Considering this guy already has a default on a previous felony warrant, I'd say there's a good chance there will be no bail offered.
[deleted] t1_iuhiohe wrote
garvierloon t1_iuhitlb wrote
That’s Peeping Oqueli to you
gallagdy t1_iuhjf9i wrote
its not an odd stance. this guy is clearly being tricked by fox news. hes not odd, just gullible.
MojoFilter111isThree t1_iuhk7op wrote
Innocent until proven guilty by a trial of your peers, that’s justice and it’s in the constitution, if you don’t like it find a different country
9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 t1_iuhkckh wrote
In a way, its actually a very informed view of how the criminal justice system works. One of the key features of our system is how it disproportionately disciplines the poor.
Efforts to make the system more equitable in regards to wealth are contrary to the implied purpose of the criminal justice system, no matter how much the system itself insists otherwise. Blind lady justice makes for a nice statue, but only a child believes in such fairy tales.
Still, it's somewhat notable how mask-off calls for protecting this inequity have become. This country is having quite the reactionary moment.
CoolBostonGurl t1_iuhlhs3 wrote
Thank God!!’
tacknosaddle t1_iuhmd71 wrote
Even if he is it will most likely be with an ankle monitor which will either make him realize that he's being tracked and had better stick to the straight and narrow or he will hand irrefutable evidence to prosecutors for revocation of his bail and towards his conviction.
Effective_Golf_3311 t1_iuhmddz wrote
I bet he’s already bailed on PR.
Hopefully the court did the right thing and held him but some of these judges simply do not give a fuck about the community.
tacknosaddle t1_iuhmihk wrote
I think the alliterative Peeping Pascual has a better ring to it.
dyslexicbunny t1_iuhn8j1 wrote
I read that as "punches the envelope" and was intrigued by Marky Mark's unhinged character. Does he hate all mail? Just junk mail? Does he have a Newman?
I gotta wake up a bit more.
Whyisthissobroken t1_iuhnwqz wrote
He'll be out on bail by Wednesday.
TheTr7nity t1_iuhp6s0 wrote
Excellent work by the Police 👏👏👏
Cersad t1_iuhpsj0 wrote
As long as our justice system claims to be designed for everyone to be equal under the law, as long as our legislators write laws designed to apply equally to all parties who break said laws, and as long as the courts rule to uphold equal protection under the law as principle... long as that continues, people have every right to insist on equal protection under the law. No matter how cynical you may feel about it.
[deleted] t1_iuhpx57 wrote
9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 t1_iuhq8oo wrote
The laws are clearly written to disadvantage the poor and there's nothing cynical about admitting that.
You really have to twist your brain into pretzels to see a system like cash bail any other way. Poor people rot in lockup while prosecutors dangle freedom as leverage in plea deals while richer people negotiate from the comfort of their homes. That's a fact, not cynicism.
DoodMonkey t1_iuhqits wrote
When my girlfriend lived in Brighton 10 years ago there was a peeping tom at her apartment. Seems like it happens every year. Glad the caught the latest one.
Workacct1999 t1_iuhqpbw wrote
Cash bail is a stupid concept. Either someone is a danger to the community or they are not. Either someone is a flight risk, or they are not. It should have nothing to do with how much cash someone can pony up to a bail bondsman. In this case, the person is a threat to the community and should stay locked up.
Cersad t1_iuhr5u6 wrote
The laws disadvantaging the poor is true. It's also not relevant to my comment.
People advocating for an equitable justice system are advocating for the spirit of the justice system that was founded for this nation, and are supported by plenty of legal, cultural, and philosophical precedents. It's far more than simply "a reactionary moment."
Soxwin91 t1_iuhr66v wrote
I would absolutely love that as a side story. Every time he is handed an envelope he just punches it and curses the USPS; it is revealed over time that he was denied entry into Quantico via the mail and since then he’s hated all mail.
Or make him play his character from Patriots Day and the divorce decree from his ex was sent via notarized letter.
There are so many possibilities!
Chirpmunkz t1_iuhrnvu wrote
Now that he is caught, I feel comfortable asking why the hell was he wearing all white to peep and break in? (Citing the photos bpd put out a few weeks ago). You would think he would wear dark colors. The white outfit really creeped me out.
Maddcapp t1_iuhscv7 wrote
You’re a loose cannon O’Malley. And I don’t like your attitude. But god dam it if you’re not the best cop in this city.
oneMadRssn t1_iuhuhos wrote
Cash bail would make more sense if the bail amount was proportional to one's net worth. The theory or history behind cash bail is that it's a deposit to ensure you show up for your trial. Forcing someone to put up substantial amount of money that they would lose if they don't show up was a good way to ensure people could continue working while awaiting trial but also show up for trial back when 80% of the population were farmers, before the invention of airplanes, and before massive income inequality. Today, it makes no sense because for some people the bail amount is trivial and for others it's insurmountable, and the ease of skipping town makes it all irrelevant.
50calPeephole t1_iuhumui wrote
From the photos I saw he wasn't necessarially in all white as much as a color that reflected the IR light from the camera making it look that way.
ThisOneForMee t1_iuhvvhe wrote
Unless he confessed, he do they determine that this is the same guy as the other incidents?
Intrexa t1_iuhwre0 wrote
Always alliterate
tacknosaddle t1_iuhxzlb wrote
Perpetually pun
tokengaymusiccritic t1_iuhz2ny wrote
Fucking hate how he made the marathon movie all about his fictional self-insert character instead of anybody who actually helped
OldSweatyBulbasar t1_iui01ka wrote
Thank fucking god, was super freaked out when he moved to the neighborhood last week.
Not to be a downer but isn’t this the guy that they keep arresting and when he’s out goes right back to Peeping?
Workacct1999 t1_iui0qia wrote
That would work, but I still think that the entire bail system is foolish. You either are or you are not a threat or flight risk, finances should play no role in that.
jimx117 t1_iui0qjg wrote
I hope he could get Seth MacFarlane to play the peeper, but I'd settle for Adam Sandler if he reprises his role as "The Peeper" from his old comedy CDs
jimx117 t1_iui0ue0 wrote
I bet his pretend cop also would've stopped 9/11 from happening if he was on the planes... yes, all the planes
jimx117 t1_iui110t wrote
Peeping Tomás
DRZ36 t1_iui1dj7 wrote
I look forward to the scene where he rattles off every business security camera in Brighton to help triangulate who will have footage of this guy - just so he can show us how Boston he is
DRZ36 t1_iui1gtn wrote
That movie was pretty much “If I were a cop in Boston, this is how it would have all gone down.”
oneMadRssn t1_iui1mer wrote
>You either are or you are not a threat or flight risk, finances should play no role in that.
Eh, life is not so binary. Most people are somewhere in the gray area between flight risk and not.
Again, I agree that cash bail doesn't work anymore today. Also, it's effectively become a privatization bail enforcement, which is sick on it's own.
We have better ways today.
Comfortable-Scar4643 t1_iui224z wrote
Throw away the key.
Comfortable-Scar4643 t1_iui25gp wrote
Might end badly if someone catches him.
anurodhp t1_iui3o6w wrote
you know what, we can speculate but in this case its pretty easy to see what happens. so lets see what happens. I know breaking and entring is actually on the do not prosecute list in your county. If he is even prosecuted, does bail fund show up? they haven not shied away from helping rapists get out and attack new people while on bail in the past.
OldSweatyBulbasar t1_iui42ry wrote
For him, I’m hoping tbh.
Workacct1999 t1_iui43mg wrote
It must be exhausting to be this outraged all the time. Go take a walk or something.
rkkrqqqqrssss t1_iui4lh8 wrote
Good. What a fucking douche fuck.
Hazelsea1099 t1_iui4ryg wrote
i wonder if the prints from the window match
[deleted] t1_iui4tkf wrote
[deleted] t1_iui54e6 wrote
Viivusvine t1_iui5759 wrote
Cash bail needs to be phased out, but that doesn’t mean that bail funds don’t deserve their share of criticism.
Remember that the MA Bail Fund doled out $15k in donations to bail out Shawn McClinton, who was charged with rape. He then raped ANOTHER woman after his release.
Investigators found that the MA bail fund had paid for the release of many others charged with violent and/or sexual crimes, even against children. So yeah, nothing wrong with criticizing bail funds until they work that out.
abhikavi t1_iuia88f wrote
Some bail funds literally don't factor in the crime. The theory is that bail is immoral; the type of crime it's for doesn't matter. If the person shouldn't be on the streets, they shouldn't be allowed bail to be on the streets.
Obviously, a lot of judges are currently using bail for exactly this, to keep people off the streets, which is exactly what the bail funds are protesting, and I get why that's bad, but.... it does lead to exactly this.
Others consider it case by case, usually because they don't want to do something like pay someone's bail only to have them commit another violent crime.
anurodhp t1_iuiafnq wrote
as i said lets see what happens. if he is actually prosecuted and not let out on the street again i will concede that i was in correct, if you find that to be unreasonable or outrageous, you may be the one who needs to take a walk.
BeachHuman2696 t1_iuiaqku wrote
There is an Oqueli Pascual Hernandez on FB. Liked the MA Lottery. Guessing that there can’t be too many by that name out there.
coolhwhip89 t1_iuiasrs wrote
Probably type his name on Facebook
teenytinyvoid t1_iuibb9v wrote
This is an issue with that person being eligible for bail then, no…? Wealthy people post bail on sexual assault charges routinely.
How could the MA Bail Fund have known that he was going to reoffend any better than the people charged with determining if he was safe for posting bail in the first place?
skipjack10 t1_iuibh5f wrote
Descriptions from victims and or other video Evidence….
jokeres t1_iuidrz7 wrote
Isn't it just a direct reply to this "creep" being "off the streets"?
He won't be. That's it; that's the whole thing. He was arrested and will be out doing whatever a "creep" does soon, probably without rehabilitation.
Viivusvine t1_iuifewi wrote
So since rich rapists can be released back to the public, so should poor rapists? That’s BS. I’m not OK with someone being assaulted because some out-of-touch organization is too hung up over single-issue philosophical purism that they can’t exercise common sense.
You can fight to abolish cash bail AND fight to keep dangerous people off the streets at the same time. Criminal justice reform can only work if it’s done holistically, not incrementally and on an issue-by-issue basis.
The MA Cash Bail fund knew what McClinton was being charged with. He was in fact a REPEAT OFFENDER and that was public record. The fact is that they knew but they didn’t care.
dante662 t1_iuigpk3 wrote
They did get finger prints from one of the scenes (posted on here last week, he left muddy handprints on the window of a fire escape, trying to open it).
_Hack_The_Planet_ t1_iuigzs0 wrote
"Free them all"
CaptainWollaston t1_iuigzv6 wrote
Pulls gun and badge out of desk drawer. "Don't make me regret this."
ChateauDeDangle t1_iuij3kg wrote
Why are you against bail?
meltyourtv t1_iuijelv wrote
What bail fund? Care to elaborate?
anurodhp t1_iuijr5f wrote
their motto is 'free tham all" and in the past have been involved in getting rapists back on the streets to rape again.
"The Massachusetts Bail Fund said in a statement Wednesday that it bails out people based on financial need “regardless of charge or court history” because it believes pretrial detention is “harmful and racist.”
"The bail fund posted $15,000 for the release of Shawn McClinton, a convicted sex offender facing rape charges. Prosecutors say McClinton raped a woman just weeks after his July release. "
this guys offenses are far milder than rape. My assertion is they will likely work to get him out so he can keep doing what he does until trial. I hope to be proven wrong but nothing about ma bail funds history makes me think i will be.
meltyourtv t1_iuijzco wrote
Well says they only cover up to $1000, so hopefully if this fund is used then his bail will be much much higher than that
Chirpmunkz t1_iuikbfj wrote
I considered this too. But I think the rain jacket was specifically named as white. Makes no sense if you are trying to be sneaky
wolverine55 t1_iuiklub wrote
He had a warrant out for a crime he was arrested for already? Maybe no bail this time… (unless of course the DA wants to keep putting women at risk)
[deleted] t1_iuim5dg wrote
teenytinyvoid t1_iuimd3m wrote
To your first point: yes. Equality for everyone means… even rapists. Sorry, dude. I don’t like it any more than you do. The law applies equally is the concept we’re supposed to be all behind, yeah? I’m not picking and choosing my “I like that this one locks up the poors” when it benefits me.
Because I say it again: if the people using the pretrial risk assessments agreed that he could post bail, meaning he scored lower than a certain number on their 1-6 PRA algorithm, which takes into account prior convictions and flight risk and risk of future violent offenses, then it is NOT on a bail fund to know any better. They (rightfully, in my opinion) see someone who would have freedom but the price tag is too high.
The case you bring up sucks. I’ll give you that. But we can’t point get so hyperfocused on an anomaly when we’re trying to overhaul such a complicated system.
To the rest… I have a spent years researching the horrific coercive nature of our criminal legal system, including cash bail and pretrial detention, and I currently work for a national org supporting reform in the system but honestly, John Oliver does my job better:
Effective_Golf_3311 t1_iuimyye wrote
There are crimes where bail (should just be RoR if bail applies unless the person has the means aka lots of money to flee prosecution) is applicable, and crimes (like this one) where it is not.
We have a saying for the bail commissioners: “Make it $40 since it might as well be a million.” Bail is backwards.
In this case? He should just be held.
XxX_EnderMan_XxX t1_iuingmm wrote
You haven’t seen the last of me yet!
ChateauDeDangle t1_iuinish wrote
What’s your basis for believing bail should be denied for this person’s crimes? Just looking for some clarification
_____A_Username_____ t1_iuiollf wrote
Why do people think this is "over"? He was arrested and released once already. His bail is $3k. He'll be out in a few days.
Effective_Golf_3311 t1_iuipa5r wrote
The fact that they’ve already placed multiple people in fear and have likely traumatized many of them. He’s victimizing people, not property, and appears to be escalating.
He can be held as he is clearly a danger to the public if he is allowed to be free and the state can’t guarantee the safety of the public from this monster whiles he’s out on bail.
But who am I kidding, we’ve got people on ELMO for shooting people still shooting people and nobody is interested in holding them so this guy will be out by the close of court today. Hopefully that makes you feel better about the states current bail situation.
tele23O7 t1_iuipbt8 wrote
the dumb criminals are always on facebook lol 100% of the time
tele23O7 t1_iuipelf wrote
he's probably a stage 5 moron
jezebelrose t1_iuiq235 wrote
I’ve been following this story and wonder - is this person perverted, trying to peak on people as they sleep? Or is there a different, more defined mental illness that would drive a person to do “peeping Tom” escapades? Or is it more criminal, where he’s trying to rob homes? Or is just fucking with the neighborhood?
I’m so confused.
[deleted] t1_iuiqqs5 wrote
DefNotBradMarchand t1_iuirfn3 wrote
There's fingerprints, photos, sketches and videos of him.
PuddingSalad t1_iuisj5h wrote
All the businesses will be pubs or corner stores with Irish names. None will actually exist in Brighton.
SinibusUSG t1_iuisnu3 wrote
Look, he should be behind bars for a while, I grant you, but this is going to cause several problems, starting with the other dude in his holding cell who just got caught fencing pirated DVDs or some shit.
Wetzilla t1_iuivv7i wrote
It's not all envelopes, just non-white ones.
DefNotBradMarchand t1_iuiw5d6 wrote
Unless you're trying to blend in. It makes more sense to blend in as some normal dude if you're dressed like a normal dude. If you're dressed in all dark, you're going to look sus.
DRZ36 t1_iuj0gp8 wrote
“Ok, then he went down Comm Ave…McGeary’s has a camera that should show where he went. They caught me beating up a black kid on video back there in the 80s. And then if he turned onto Beacon Street, should have audio sound but no video. I evaded a hate crime charge there in the 80s for dropping N bombs while beating up a black kid, but they couldn’t prove in court it was my voice with out the video.”
bwma t1_iuj0zrj wrote
His bail is only $3,000. There’s only one felony mentioned there. They may not be able to throw away the key.
merp-merp_merp-merp t1_iuj3aaa wrote
Captain Anecdote is locked in an eternal struggle with his nemesis, Data Man.
LawrenceSan t1_iuj8so6 wrote
>"the alliterative Peeping Pascual"
Why are you assuming the guy is alliterate? He mite no how to reed.
mileylols t1_iuj97z5 wrote
Maybe it's the same guy
Fairbanks_Bus_142 t1_iujatjw wrote
Isn't this the type of criminal that the bail reform crowd seeks to release until he no-shows for his court date?
Cost_Additional t1_iujcz6q wrote
Weird he's not being held without bail. Guy is clearly a threat. If convicted he will be out in 3-5 to haunt Brighton again.
ridegocairn t1_iujdabp wrote
Sometimes dark clothing shows up as white on cameras. I have seen camera footage from restaurants where patrons are wearing black and in the footage it looks like they are wearing white.
sweetjeebuss t1_iujeej2 wrote
I bet he just needs help like all the social Justice warriors used to cry about it. Look at how to tide has turned
Goron40 t1_iujhli2 wrote
From what I understand, yes. This guy is innocent until a trial or plea bargain say otherwise. Bail reformists argue that whether he gets held until that trial shouldn't be dependent on his financial situation.
If the court thinks he's a danger to the community or a flight risk (like in your scenario), they always have the ability to hold him "without bail", but it seems like they chose not to do that here.
pumpkinpatch1982 t1_iujoo37 wrote
Ben Affleck and Wahlberg are like memes of Boston at this point feels like Matt Damon seems to lay lower than those two these days.
pumpkinpatch1982 t1_iujoq3t wrote
I really really like Ben's brother Casey Affleck that I think he's the better actor of the two.
Unlikely-Cockroach-6 t1_iujtvgz wrote
thank fucking god. but his bail is only 3k??? what the hell?? i had seen so many posts on facebook regarding him. he broke into some girls house and she woke up to him just staring at her.
yahabbibi t1_iujtzvr wrote
He was already released on bail for B&E. He's not just a peeping tom. This piece of trash is a predator and the peeping escalates to b&e which escalates to assault, to whatever. He clearly did not think he would be caught. Thank God someone saw something and called it in.
jezebelrose t1_iujuss0 wrote
I feel like the media calling him a peeping tom is diminishing the danger he imposes.
yahabbibi t1_iujwcb4 wrote
For sure. This is a repeat offender. Someone who has no fear of being caught even w heightened patrols and media coverage. This is someone who will do this, and worse, if given the opportunity.
Viivusvine t1_iujzc4y wrote
Why trust the risk assessment in the first place if the system is broken? McClinton was a Level 3 sex offender by the time the MA Bail Fund covered his release.
How egregious does the crime have to be before the bail fund says that the risk assessment was wrong?
The McClinton case doesn’t deserve to be diminished as a mere “anomaly.” This is a known issue with the MA Bail Fund.
Lespecialpackage t1_iugucmz wrote
Glad that creep is off the streets