CJYP t1_iu0l1fo wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New protected parking on Cambridge St? by wegry
Sure. They can block a traffic lane.
Tele-Muse t1_iu4aoon wrote
Yep. It’s the lane made for cars so why not block the cars. After all it’ll only take a few moments to deliver. Atleast that’s the logic people use for them blocking the bike lane.
[deleted] t1_iu0lov8 wrote
CJYP t1_iu0n2xl wrote
Blocking the bike lane puts people in danger. Blocking a traffic lane causes inconvenience. It's not the same.
No_Marionberry5581 t1_iu0ojb5 wrote
None of this makes sense. Because it’s now a very crowded two line road in front of a major hospital and you can’t have cars stopping in the riding lanes. Cars need somewhere to pull over. I agree we need bike lines. But taking away the safe spaces for cars to pull over is crazy. What’s going to happen the first time an ambulance can’t get through because cars are stopped in the driving lane. I don’t think this was well thought out. And I’m a biker who uses this street.
CJYP t1_iu0t54h wrote
There are two full traffic lanes. When a car is stopped in the driving lane, ambulances will use the other one. The lanes are fairly large, so there's even room for traffic to move out of the way of the ambulance if needed. Seems pretty simple to me. How is it handled on existing narrow one lane streets?
No_Marionberry5581 t1_iu1evw3 wrote
Yeah, that might work on a normal two lane road. But Cambridge street is normally very backed up. Add to that the fact that cars can’t pull to the side for an ambulance, and it is a disaster waiting to happen.
CJYP t1_iu1fdsh wrote
So, it's not safe to block the bike lane. It's also not safe to block the road. Where would you put them?
No_Marionberry5581 t1_iu1g6yo wrote
I don’t think any of it is safe. I have ridden this route every day for seven years. I want and need it to be safe. But taking away the only place cars can stop for deliveries and stop in an emergency makes no sense to me. I don’t consider this safe for vehicles or bikes. I don’t consider this safe for rescue vehicles needing to get the hospital quickly, or fire engines who are at the station opposite this picture. I feel like we are trying to do too much in too little a space and it’s bound to cause issues. Out of all the bike lines that have been built around Boston, I find the stretch of Cambridge street from govt center down to the bridge to be particularly concerning.
[deleted] t1_iu1axvk wrote
CJYP t1_iu1bnu4 wrote
Now you see how the people using the bike lane feel?
Tele-Muse t1_iu4ayr2 wrote
How bold of you to assume this person can put themselves in someone else’s shoes.
snoogins355 t1_iu24cmw wrote
First time in Boston?
Interesting-Milk9910 t1_iu17c1o wrote
Blocking a bike lane w a motor vehicle ≠ blocking motor vehicle lane w a motor vehicle
[deleted] t1_iu1amnr wrote
Interesting-Milk9910 t1_iu1awn0 wrote
Because a motor vehicle cam kill a biker, a biker cannot kill a motorist. Also you ever play the “what shape fits on what hole” game as a kid? If somethings a big metal death trap it goes in the big metal death trap lane, not the bike lane, regardless of what their justification is
[deleted] t1_iu1c9eb wrote
Interesting-Milk9910 t1_iu1laj2 wrote
Yes stupid, what we are concerned about is cyclists dying. And no shit, obviously we are talking about the parked cars. The cars parked in the “not for parking cars lane”. The cars that force cyclists into the “get got by a tank” lane just to get around their stupid asses. How are you so dense? Edit: answered my own question. This user is a neoliberal, that’s how they are so dense
[deleted] t1_iu1m4i7 wrote
datepalmfacepalm t1_iu1p8fg wrote
In my personal experience I was irritated by driving in traffic and taking 45-60 minutes to travel 13 miles...so now I bike, and it still takes 45 minutes but it's a whole lot less unpleasant. Same thing with quick trips within the city - the improved bike infrastructure makes these trips quicker and more stress-free than driving.
[deleted] t1_iu2f8fc wrote
datepalmfacepalm t1_iu2zqvp wrote
Well, it's not about delivery vehicles exclusively - seems like the scope covers any vehicle parked in bike lanes no?
> Boston seems hell-bent on just making driving even more miserable to discourage it, but of course that doesn’t actually work, it just invites backlash.
This is the part of your comment I was responding to. Making driving within the city "miserable" while improving alternatives does make people less likely to drive. Which benefits you, as a driver, when there are less cars on the road.
Interesting-Milk9910 t1_iu1omxr wrote
A parked car can’t kill someone is the same argument as a gun can’t shoot anybody, and neither are good arguments to try and make. You fucken right cars have to go somewhere, the dump. Get off yo lazy ass and try biking sometime, or are you too scared to get run over by a car? Edit: and like my other comment says, if you wanna keep parking in the bike lane ima start coming down that shit busting mirrors
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