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NotnotNeo t1_iujeblc wrote

ya but...i gotta get to work tomorrow and heat my house today.

i agree, more transition, but we're stuck even more now that supply chains were disrupted enough to generate shortages in things like materials and EVs. and not only is the cost of an EV higher, but the legacy energy costs are higher too, making it harder for people to save up for a transition.

idk what oil production investment policies could have a near immediate impact, but cant get around the fact that the green transition requires, preferably cheap, oil to make it happen.


Michelanvalo t1_iujkqsp wrote

I think /u/9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 's point is that we need to get on that transition plan now. Build the wind farms, build the solar farms, build the nuclear plants, force them through if we have to.


DrunicusrexXIII t1_iuk19ce wrote

And if we run out of diesel in the next 24 days? Farms and all shipping rely on diesel fuel. Today. Now. And nearly all cars that people take to work run on gasoline.

I'm sure I'll get slammed with downvotes for asking, but. What sustainable, equitable, just and tolerant solution may we use, to prevent economic collapse and starvation?


Michelanvalo t1_iuk1dko wrote

If we run out of diesel in 24 days society as a whole is fucked regardless


DrunicusrexXIII t1_iuk2w9f wrote

Yeah, except all of this shit is entirely self inflicted.

There aren't any good reasons why food and heat have doubled and in some cases tripled in prices. Your average Tesla plaid owner is fine. Middle class losers like me and the poors are feeling it.


Michelanvalo t1_iuk37j3 wrote

Oh yeah sure, it's all inflicted by corporate greed. Their pushing the limits of what consumers can afford because they can.

I have a product at work that doubled their price and blamed it on inflation. I said "Inflation is 7%! Where the fuck you get the other 93% from?!"
