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Rabl t1_iuads34 wrote

Wings Over does citrus chipotle BBQ.


Rabl t1_iuaf2ok wrote

It's been a while, but Wings Over was always pretty reliable for me. I'm more a fan of the sweet chili and Jamaican jerk, but the chipotle BBQ was good too.


Budget-Celebration-1 t1_iual187 wrote

B dubs has chipotle bbq. I think everything there is just ok. Wings maybe decent. I do love the cheese curds.


QueenOfBrews t1_iub4qup wrote

You the real MVP OP. Hope she got her wings.

I have this vision in my head of a man going through hell to find these wings, just for her to say “this is gross, I want pizza and pickle flavored gelato instead”


No_Judge_3817 t1_iubb6df wrote

This post is a weird way to brag about having sex


Drift_Life t1_iuc0y43 wrote

I’m always going to recommend Crave in Chinatown over any boneless “wings” in any restaurant in the city. Best fried chicken I’ve ever had