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romansapprentice t1_iubcoqn wrote

Can we also talk about how scary it is when you're getting off the train when this is happening? Reminds me of what happened in South Korea tonight, one person gets panicked in that crowd and everyone will be fucked.


Commercial_Board6680 t1_iudcbkn wrote

The crowding so close to the track has always made me a bit uneasy and certain times of the day/night make this unease a lot worse.


ohhgrrl t1_iuh2ou1 wrote

This haunts me. My worst fear is human crush. It happened when that man attacked NYC subway riders. Luckily mild injuries but still PANIC. I avoid places that would be crowded enough for crush. But I can’t avoid MBTA. I’ll be haunted for rest of my rides lol.


TDKevin OP t1_iuedmqv wrote

Yea that's when I bailed. I was up by the yellow line and started having people bump into my back. I had never walked from broadway to my job before but at least I know the route now.