Submitted by defariasdev t3_yhfk9j in boston
cyclejones t1_iudh08b wrote
Poor Charlie...
Dukeofdorchester t1_iudi053 wrote
They guy who actually does stuff
frankybling t1_iudkj0e wrote
that’s the shortcut
undertwelveparsecs t1_iudkz3x wrote
Affordable accommodation.
AwkwardSpread t1_iudltm4 wrote
A demogorgon
MasterOfDisaster66 t1_iudmdkc wrote
That’s where they detox cocaine turkeys
defariasdev OP t1_iudmyqg wrote
You've said too much, rest in peace.
flylosophy t1_iudn119 wrote
LouisFriend91 t1_iudn2is wrote
Grants tomb.
KenOfEarth t1_iudnnrv wrote
Zombie King George III.
SynapticSnap2626 t1_iudq3o8 wrote
Fallout Bunker
MrsPancakesSister t1_iudqx9t wrote
Hellboy’s secret Boston portal into hell
-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_iudr1bt wrote
It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again!
SoandsotheUnready t1_iudrlp9 wrote
me ....
tomcat3121 t1_iudrrwp wrote
It’s the leaching field for beacon hill… they spew so much crap they need the whole common.
pimflapvoratio t1_iudum7s wrote
PentonMitch99 t1_iudy0hh wrote
Paul Reveres horse
dyslexicbunny t1_iudz0hp wrote
All the stuff from previous rounds of cleanup from Mass and Cass.
jmcflynn33 t1_iudz6rk wrote
Bro that’s the door to my studio, you wouldn’t believe the rent.
jay_altair t1_iudzr1p wrote
free parking
danzgeturmanz t1_iudzt4h wrote
1 bed for under a $1000
beetus_gerulaitis t1_iue0824 wrote
The gimp.
He’s sleeping.
Well….wake him up.
Clear_Length_9396 t1_iue0uj2 wrote
Martha’s Vineyards deported immigrants
startmyheart t1_iue17o3 wrote
Did he ever return?
No, he never returned
And his fate is still unlearned...
qmeliq t1_iue1bhz wrote
they said wrong answers only
bostonhockey_80 t1_iue393v wrote
Spare change guy
Cautious_Leader_3487 t1_iue4ndb wrote
My Kahkees.
PainedOne617 t1_iue57wg wrote
Buried treasure. They always say x marks the spot
Patient_Estimate3284 t1_iue5lep wrote
That is premium location, so probably not affordable either.
Steelforge t1_iue6jtk wrote
Escape tunnel to be used during MAGA insurrection
Da_Splurnge t1_iue6tyf wrote
John Goodman putting the weight back on with horrifying efficiency.
ichbinich-187 t1_iue7xoq wrote
But for real, what is under there?
Bomdiggitydoo t1_iue97ht wrote
Chili guy
NightWalk77 t1_iue98qq wrote
A Rancor.
DonybullymeIllcum t1_iueazc4 wrote
Tom Menino.
mickeybar71 t1_iueba3w wrote
Massachusetts chapter of hands across america
Exciting-Ad30 t1_iuebogz wrote
Charlie Baker’s Panic Room
Bladerunner243 t1_iuebouz wrote
Brotherhood of Steel bunker
mr_radio_guy t1_iuebxjz wrote
Hilary’s emails or jimmy hoffa.
___HeyGFY___ t1_iuebxw9 wrote
My ex wife’s cold black heart
Quincyperson t1_iuedz5k wrote
Mac Jones Fan Club Headquarters
johnny_cash_money t1_iuee12h wrote
anteloperunning22 t1_iueepea wrote
Jimmy Hoffa
Head_Zombie214796 t1_iueflkd wrote
yes it is good call i now want to go replay fallout 4
defariasdev OP t1_iuefofb wrote
Alright, calm down
Dseltzer1212 t1_iuefqfi wrote
Underground jail cells used up until the 1960’s
defariasdev OP t1_iuefucn wrote
No, actually, ...
Edit: originally was replying to a comment saying ur mum
HammerfestNORD t1_iueglmq wrote
Grant's tomb: 2.0
DarthSergery t1_iueh2vw wrote
Graboids from tremors
victorspoilz t1_iuei7h6 wrote
Clearly that's where the X-Wing is parked.
MeanSmoke4662 t1_iuejd4d wrote
3 year olds
turtle0230 t1_iueked0 wrote
Below the Common Dunkin’
FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_iuekgqb wrote
Jimmy Hoffa
BrickBeneficial7198 t1_iuel6b9 wrote
Dance-Rare t1_iuel9ha wrote
An efficient and reliable public transit system
DunkinRadio t1_iuelk8g wrote
Schilling's bloody sock
riski_click t1_iuem213 wrote
Don't Dead Open Inside
riski_click t1_iuemb8h wrote
no, i don't think we will be telling them that
123qwe123qwe123ewq t1_iuemmzo wrote
Amelia Earhart
Apprehensive-Hat-494 t1_iuene46 wrote
The actual Cheers bar.
Fluid-Science4406 t1_iuenq4b wrote
Hey Geraldo, found another Al Capone vault.
veryheavycoat t1_iueny9k wrote
Paul revere bones
imuniqueaf t1_iuepz3b wrote
It's an escape tunnel for the White House.
CatOwlFilms t1_iueq3c3 wrote
Nightfox9469 t1_iuerpit wrote
The Court of Owls from Batman.
meltyourtv t1_iuewknr wrote
My $6969/month studio 0 bath apartment
GarnishedSteak100 t1_iuexgke wrote
Air molecules, mostly N2 and O2
N2 as in a nitrogen molecule, 2 nitrogen atoms
O2 as in a oxygen molecule, 2 oxygen atoms
thrillybizzaro t1_iuezdd9 wrote
Subterranean Dunkin Donuts
[deleted] t1_iuezy0o wrote
garvierloon t1_iuf0muy wrote
Frank Costello’s corpse
HebrewHammer14 t1_iuf360u wrote
Entrance to the Underground Railroad
Oswaldwasapatsy t1_iuf5bpz wrote
Whiteys missing victims
Jackamalio626 t1_iuf7ir4 wrote
Thats where Elliot Davis stashes his fix-a-flats
AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_iuf875d wrote
Sam Adams' zombie. They say if he sees you, he'll attack unless you're holding a bottle of Sam Adams in hand or have it on your breath.
AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_iuf88x6 wrote
nah, ain't big enough to hold all that. Not even mar a lago could hold all that.
eaglessoar t1_iuf9v4o wrote
The moonite neon signs. Still in quarantine we can't be sure what those guys were up to though we did learn a lot about hair.
Robobvious t1_iuf9yzs wrote
Pirate treasure from the iron age.
eaglessoar t1_iufa3vz wrote
The original big dig. There was a craze in the 1600s where you could dig a hole to release spirits and the deeper you went the more spirits you released. Boston has done pretty well since so I don't blame us for not filling it back in.
eaglessoar t1_iufab8y wrote
That's where dunkin harvest a bit of local Boston city "dew" to add to their coffee to give it that extra sour taste.
Jack_Jacques t1_iufav3f wrote
That’s not the bunker you are looking for.
This bunker is of no interest to you. There is nothing here.
GuitarFreak027 t1_iufdd1l wrote
Nah, the Sacred Cod is in the state house.
Major-Success-1341 t1_iuffh4o wrote
Curry_and_coke t1_iuffscn wrote
It's obviously >! Dunkin ! <
randomlurker82 t1_iufiprr wrote
Serious answer.
It has all that metal on it to keep homeless people from sleeping on it. It stays warm. That is actually an emergency exit out of the subway tunnel, and they don't want people laying on it because then people could get trapped trying to escape in an emergency.
It's a weird story how I know that, but that is what those are. Exit doors.
DiligentBroccoli5592 t1_iufkll9 wrote
Stollen ballots.
Yourmom69420420 t1_iufldwi wrote
M dick
nattarbox t1_iufma7s wrote
yup you’ll see a skull icon on your phone if you walk past here
Magic_mycelium t1_iufme2t wrote
Molasses overflow drain
DiligerentJewl t1_iufmtp6 wrote
The Morlocks.
misterflappypants t1_iufo9ro wrote
Underground turkey staging area
A_Man_From_Canton t1_iufor7m wrote
Isn’t that part of the air intake for the parking garage below the commons?
mjsrjs1223 t1_iufrkp1 wrote
The bunker for when the civil war begins.
riefpirate t1_iuftczt wrote
Secret tunnel to the governor's office.
Apart-Inspection5378 t1_iuftpvm wrote
Portal to the afterlife
magneticinductance t1_iufubk5 wrote
A portal to Hyannis and Martha's Vinyard
magneticinductance t1_iufulyi wrote
I think the turkeys are on meth.
Heliocentrist t1_iufv5ut wrote
Elon Muk's sense of shame
dinosaursNsuch t1_iufxg87 wrote
the stolen paintings from the Gardner.
BarryAllen85 t1_iufy51o wrote
PresidentBush2 t1_iug0oqu wrote
Bill Galvin’s sex dungeon.
crashmenthol t1_iug0unb wrote
Methadone Mile Headquarters
Substantial_Web_3924 t1_iug11bp wrote
My cellar with all the children inside
PresidentBush2 t1_iug14wc wrote
Learn to spell.
Miscellaneous_napkin t1_iug2pm2 wrote
There's at least one dunkin donuts down there
edjennersmilkmaid t1_iug3brp wrote
🎶 bull-shit 🎶
masswholer t1_iug3c49 wrote
That is where they put Chewbacca in the movie Han Solo.
Apprehensive-Gap-289 t1_iug3sty wrote
Narnia ?
SharpCookie232 t1_iug5j4n wrote
It's where Whitey hid the paintings.
Background_Ad3503 t1_iug6w1k wrote
chickadeedadee2185 t1_iug9hgz wrote
A confederate flag.
DBisntBB t1_iugc0wt wrote
It’s the tunnel to methadone mile
DBisntBB t1_iugccz4 wrote
I didn’t know they made diet cocaine
QuietNewTopia t1_iugcm9x wrote
Benedict Arnold
NotARobotDefACyborg t1_iugd3qr wrote
JasperDyne t1_iugdz6v wrote
The special branch of the T called the Plaid Line. It runs on time, every time and only unicorns and leprechauns can ride.
Lilliekins t1_iuggbmy wrote
The missing paintings from the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum.
shakespeareriot t1_iugh771 wrote
Wondrex101 t1_iughc9s wrote
Joe Mama!
crazyteddy34 t1_iughs67 wrote
T escape tunnel
Instantsoup44 t1_iugm32y wrote
TC's new location
Bostonbakedbeanthere t1_iugrczg wrote
Feral ghouls according to Fallout 4.
MojitoSipper t1_iuh0h4v wrote
I think your answer is the only wrong answer here.
OptimalFlight101 t1_iuh6u94 wrote
What's in there is a functioning MBTA.
Plus_Swordfish_9285 t1_iuhhekc wrote
My Irish uncle(he wants his potatoes)
Normal_Platypus_5300 t1_iuhtk62 wrote
CAPICINC t1_iuhtzcr wrote
[deleted] t1_iuhzi4l wrote
DeductiveFallacy t1_iuhzjqq wrote
They said incorrect answers only
FabulousOffer t1_iuj4hgl wrote
Geoff Diehl's daytime resting place.
MrYesMan52 t1_iujnzl1 wrote
Victim's of storrow drive that never made it home
Rikkrishub t1_iudg78y wrote
Whitey knows