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baddspellar t1_isxdh35 wrote

He's definitely just showing party loyalty with the goal of an appointment in a future Republican administration. He's so far behind there's nothing that could help him in Massachusetts.

Returning to "Christian foundational values" actually means going back the the 1950's social hierarchy, where men like Diehl had all the power they wanted. It's not as if they care about Christian values like "love your neighbor", "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me", or "turn the other cheek", as these require kindness and a willingness to give up some of your power.


AccomplishedGrab6415 t1_isybqsw wrote

My theory is the radical religious right is so terrified that people are fleeing religion in spades that they're trying to force us into a theocracy to keep it alive - all backed by the church.