albertogonzalex t1_iy52xgh wrote
Reply to comment by reveazure in Is there life after Darwin’s? by reveazure
I mean, Darwin's is more out of the way relative to Boston than Dave's bc Dave's is much closer to the Davis t station than darwins is to the Harvard stop.
Sheol t1_iy53uwd wrote
Are there many people who take the T just for lunch?
albertogonzalex t1_iy55dt5 wrote
We're on a Boston subreddit. OP is about a Cambridge business. Just pointing out the oddity of asking for suggestions and then commenting that something is out of the way when it's comparably convenient relatively to Boston as the original location in the post.
Sheol t1_iy56a9c wrote
Not sure if you are new here, but the subreddit is officially for the greater Boston area.
From the description:
>A reddit focused on the city of Boston, MA and the Greater Boston Area.
albertogonzalex t1_iy57unk wrote
I'm not saying the post doesn't belong here. I'm saying, it's odd to ask for requests for a sandwich shop that is as easily accessible in the greater Boston region as the answers and then shoot down those answers for being out of the way. As my previous answer described.
Sheol t1_iy5g2i8 wrote
I do not see the word Boston anywhere in OP. Even if this was in Boston, recommending somewhere in JP as a replacement for a lunch spot in the North End would be inappropriate.
I honestly don't think Dave's Fresh is a bad suggestion, but your reply that everything here must be viewed from the perspective of Boston proper is just wrong.
albertogonzalex t1_iy5miwe wrote
You're saying things I am not saying.
some1saveusnow t1_iy791hi wrote
His logic thread was just weird
DabSmokingFiend t1_iy5my3b wrote
If Darwin’s is in Cambridge, and Dave’s is in Somerville isn’t it a little weird to consider one more “out of the way” than the other?
PapaJack2008 t1_iy7xbga wrote
Depends on which Darwins the OP was referring to, and Somerville ain't all that far from Cambridge in fairness.
reveazure OP t1_iy5aczp wrote
I mean out of the way for me. Not an overall criticism, just a personal comment which I should probably have kept to myself.
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