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LivingMemento t1_ixv07zf wrote

City Sports always has the best World Cup collection. All the major Boston fandoms could get their country’s stuff there.

Isn’t there anyone who wants to re-open that great store. The locations on Bromfeld and in Brighton still have the signage.
Thanks Private Equity for Busting it out.


Budget-Celebration-1 t1_ixv1ysi wrote

Funny part is more Brazil jerseys are probably sold here than USMNT :) were a sad lot of folks!


threenamer t1_ixvaca2 wrote

Dick’s? If they cost a million dollars, then you might want to check Macy’s. I’m looking at you, Olympic sweatpants.


michael_scarn_21 t1_ixwdkl6 wrote

They'll be going cheap after the Iran game in a few days. Check thrift stores.


Peeeculiar t1_ixwhljo wrote

Dick's has loads of them. There's plenty of extra rack space with the Italian side not qualifying again.