Submitted by unicynn t3_yp04uo in boston

Hello all,

So I’m looking to take AMTRAK for the first time from Boston to NY. I travel back and forth occasionally, and I used to only travel on buses like Greyhound and Peter Pan, but after my last trip where my bus got delayed by FOUR hours, and they refused to refund my ticket, I’ve decided to give AMTRAK a shot. Looking for advices…

I’m browsing their website and noticed there’s Acela vs 95 NE Regional. Want to hear people’s opinions and experiences on them. How does baggage work? Any complementaries worth noting? Best time to book, etc.

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Thank you all for the insights and suggestions! Extremely helpful and made this first time train rider feel a lot more at ease. Booked a round trip ticket under NE Regional. Maybe the next time I go, I’ll try Acela.

I’ll be sure to go banana pudding hunting. 👀



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Bablyon t1_ivgot9t wrote

I have taken the regular (Non Acela) train many times over the years, and I have been quite happy with it. A very convenient way to get to NYC!


nattarbox t1_ivgp0xr wrote

Acela costs like 3x to 5x as much, saves about an hour at best. Generally nicer experience, with nicer assigned seating, less stops, and a quiet car. The regional is fine, just slower and makes more stops.

Baggage works like any other train, you bring it on and there's a rack for suitcases + overhead space. You can bring two suitcases + two carry items.

Worth signing up for the Amtrak rewards points and using your number when you buy tickets. The Acela especially gives a lot of points, and you can easily get enough for a trip to Maine if you take it regularly.

Ultimately the best way to get to NYC I think, more comfortable than the bus and less headache than flying. They all take about the same amount of time, but the train is the most comfortable and convenient.


fatnoah t1_ivgp4zx wrote

It's very easy. There's plenty of room for bags over the seats and at the end of the cars. The non-Acela takes a little longer because it stops more, but they're both good options.


ashhole613 t1_ivgpez6 wrote

Check Slickdeals to see if there are any fare sales first. Acela is definitely more comfortable but probably not worth the extra cost. Don't bank on not being delayed though. About half of the train rides we've taken from Moynihan were delayed, one as much as a few hours. 🤷‍♀️


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_ivgpo7o wrote

1: Book as far in advance as possible.

2: The NE regional business class is worth it (to have assigned seating) and it’s only like 20-30 mins slower. It’s totally fine.


DarthMosasaur t1_ivgq6gn wrote

Never used Acela, but the normal train is great. Beautiful scenery.

Only thing is the insane price jumps. A coach ticket can be anywhere from $28 to $162. Not sure why this is legal, but it happens. My advice would be to plan your trips as far in advance as possible and get tickets as soon as you can.

In my opinion it's the best way to go. I've been traveling between the 2 cities regularly since 2009 and Amtrak is the best mix of price/comfort/affordability.


No_Preparation5020 t1_ivgqvsa wrote

I do it all the time. If you book far enough in advance, you can get some really good deals. Sign up for the rewards points so you gather miles/points to use for future travel. I did the bus 2x I think for maybe $20 each? And I’ll never do it again, you’re at the mercy of traffic. Amtrak is great, yeah you don’t save THAT much time, but it’s on a set schedule and you can reliably plan your life around it. Get on, pop on a movie, take a nap and wake up in NYC. cannot recommend enough.

I personally take the Regional than the Acela to save some money, it’s usually an hour or so longer but I don’t find it worth the extra cost unless I’m going for a quick trip where time is of the essence.

Also depending where you live, you can take it from back bay instead south station no problem. I live in Brighton and used to travel all the way to South Station just to have Back Bay be the 2nd stop on the trip - they don’t check tickets that quickly.

Also a perk, you can bring foods/snacks to help pass the time. WiFi can be highly unreliable so recommend using your personal hotspot on your phone or downloading content on a device beforehand.

I’m trying to think of other questions I had before I started riding Amtrak and answer them before you ask but I think that’s all I’ve got. OH - they don’t check Vax cards or require masks anymore. Also the amount of luggage you bring is very lax. I had 2 bags + backpack + guitar and the worker told me “it literally doesn’t matter if the train isn’t full” haha


BonesIIX t1_ivgrcka wrote

Acela is not it worth it between NYC and BOS. The track improvement to run the Acela meant the NERegional can run faster (125mph in some sections) this means the Acela is only 30min faster between here and NYC just because of the extra stops.

Book far in advance and it's usually cheap.

Pro tip, red caps on the way home. Makes getting on at NYC easy AF and it's free


michael_scarn_21 t1_ivgtxxp wrote

It's slow compared to trains in other countries and it's like going back in time but it's better than the bus or flying. Book in advance to get a decent price, I was looking at $250 singles the other day for the regional which is crazy.


Just_Material1457 t1_ivgu3sy wrote

Used both in the past. The Acela is a shorter trip (maybe cuts an hour) and has nicer train cars than NE Regional, but I wouldn’t say it’s worth the price jump. NE is still a good way to travel, and the cars are maintained pretty well from what I remember.

Unless time is a super high priority, I’d go with NE.


shiplesp t1_ivgu7or wrote

Traveling by train is almost civilized compared to buses or even planes. Yes, things can go wrong, but it's really comfortable so any inconvenience is easier to bear.


-Odi-Et-Amo- t1_ivgvbzu wrote

I haven’t actually taken the Acela but that’s because I personally don’t think the advantages are worth the extra cost. The NE Regional is fine, the stops they make are really quick. There’s a cafe or you can take snacks and they offer a quiet car if you don’t want to chance being near someone who’s extra talkative (happened to me last weekend on the way home from NYC).


Automatic_Scratch530 t1_ivgvs0a wrote

Having taken lots of Acela and non-Acela, I actually prefer the regular NE regional, even though it's about an hour slower. Seats are not assigned, which means you are free to move about (you have to take the paper slip with you). Very nice when/if you notice a section of the train clear out after a lot of people get off.

When you come back from New York, be sure to go to Moynihan (nice, big new hall) and not Penn Station across the street (cramped and old). They connect to the same trains underground.


PikantnySos t1_ivgwo03 wrote

Its easy. Its comfortable. The wifi usually works. Trick is to book your seat, get on the train, and ask the conductor if there is room in the quiet car. You can usually get moved there and its more comfortable. You can also byob on the train or buy food/drinks in the dining car.


BsFan t1_ivgwsai wrote

I got so drunk in accella first class that i ended up leaving my car at the route 128 station and ubered home. Was at one of the 4 seat tables with random people, we were all basically best friends at the end of the trip. Free 90 minute IPAs are dangerous


CJYP t1_ivgyi22 wrote

Between Acela and Regional, Acela wins for speed. Regional usually wins for price, but not always. The speed difference isn't such a big deal that it would decide it for me. I'd usually pick whichever is cheapest.

Baggage - you just roll it onto the train. There are luggage racks above the seats. They have plenty of room.

Booking - ASAP. It's not like the airlines where prices fluctuate. Amtrak prices are only based on how many seats are open, so they pretty much only ever get more expensive as the trip time gets closer. Also, book two separate single tickets, not a round trip ticket. It's much easier to deal with canceling only one of the two segments if you have to.

Other than that, if you're traveling while it's light out, sit on the left side of the train when heading to NYC (right side when heading to Boston). You get great views of the waterfront in CT. If you really want to see the NYC skyline, reverse that advice.


geminimad4 t1_ivgysq9 wrote

Get a window seat on the left side of the train to NYC, and one on the right side of the Boston-bound train, to take advantage of coastal views during the ride.


aray25 t1_ivh13xk wrote

Amtrak owns some of the tracks on the Northeast Corridor. Some is owned by MBTA, ConnDOT, or New York MTA. It is all owned by passenger operations though, which is the key.


Cardiff___Giant t1_ivh26gj wrote

I like business class on the normal train. The car is basically empty and it’s very quiet. Scenery is great. I’ve done Acela too and the basic cabin is business class, so it’s much busier in that area. Acela will get you in quicker but I have always arrived earlier than expected on the normal train.

Baggage is left at the front of the car. Lots of space. The train is great. You just walk right on from south station. Great option to NYC.


felineprincess93 t1_ivh35pu wrote

I will never ever take a bus to NYC again. NE Regional beats it every time.


I will say, sometimes the line to get on the train in NYC is intense, especially on Sunday afternoon trains. They specifically don't list the departure platform until a few minutes before and the crowd kind of goes a little mad if it's delayed even by 10 minutes. Overall, still worth it.


tarandab t1_ivh49ha wrote

For the Boston - NYC route, the benefit to Acela is that it’s marginally faster and all seats are business class. If your booking by budget, I’d do the regional (but once I did Acela from DC to Boston cause I waited to book and that was less expensive than both the regional and flying). Assuming everything is on time, I believe the Acela only saves you 45 min-an hour


tarandab t1_ivh4fju wrote

Yeah, it saves time if it’s on time, but if it’s not on time it’s not worth the extra money. I usually book whichever is least expensive (once or twice the Acela actually was for me)


Maxpowr9 t1_ivh5ef1 wrote

In terms of Boston to NYC, the NE Regional is usually the better value than the Acela. Acela truly shines when it's more "long haul" like Boston to Philly/Baltimore/DC.

I 100% feel NER business class is worth the upgrade over coach. You get an assigned seat and complimentary non-alcoholic beverages. You can bring your own non-alcoholic drinks and food on the train as well.

As for booking, it's recommended to book at least 14 days in advance to save money. Cost can swing wildly like airlines so be prepared for that.

The big plus with train travel is that there is far less security theatre and 2 free "checked" bags. When I go to NYC, I don't have to bother going downtown to Logan either. I live in the burbs and park at the Westwood/Rt 128 stop which is so much cheaper than Logan.


Due-Designer4078 t1_ivh5uwg wrote

They both travel the same route the Acela gets you there 30 minutes faster. However, in my opinion, the additional money isn't worth it...


twowrist t1_ivh64oo wrote

I remember one delay because a truck was Storrowed on one of the railroad bridges in Connecticut. They needed to get a quick inspection and to go slowly over the bridge. Other delays are caused by breakdowns by other trains, since it shares with commuter rail both in Boston and I think in Connecticut. And there used to be a change of engines in New Haven.


wsdog t1_ivh6qh5 wrote

Kinda fun if you like trains. Flying is still faster and more convenient. And you get CC points.


JordanRulz t1_ivh70w6 wrote

Acela has no lumbar support


Hot_Dog_34 t1_ivh7zu4 wrote

Book NE regional more than 2 weeks in advance for the best deal.

Book Acela only if work is paying


Few_Childhood_2922 t1_ivh8d4f wrote

Best way to Ny, easy lots of room and scenery amazing, car 2 is the quite car on Acela it the best


CauseAdditional9559 t1_ivh9f1j wrote

Before you head back to Boston, get the banana pudding from Magnolia Bakery in the Moynihan station. Makes for a great train ride.


oneblackened t1_ivhc2gs wrote

Northeast Regional is fine, it's a touch slower but not by much. Baggage is essentially just carry-on but unlike airlines there's effectively no limit to carry-on.


BestCaseSurvival t1_ivhcd5d wrote

For PAX Unplugged my group would take the train from Boston to Philly. It’s the best. If your wallet can take it (the price points are weirdly high, and absurdly high compared to the Bargain Busses that occasionally catch fire) but for that you get legroom, a smooth ride, room to set up your laptop, and (pre-covid, at least) a snack car.

For PAX we’d set up in the snack car and play board games the whole way down. Can’t do that on a bus.


DigitalKungFu t1_ivheibx wrote

NE Regional is (has been for me) a much better experience, mainly because you get more space.

Enjoy it, and sit on the left on your way there for great views through Connecticut


Lassuscat t1_ivhf3tg wrote

Amtrak is my default for Boston to NY now. I’ll never take another bus again.


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_ivhl717 wrote

Assigned seats on the way down aren’t super important since the NE Regional starts at South Station and you have free reign… but assigned seats **are **nice for when you’re returning to BOS from NY and the train is already full with coming from DC/Philly, and you have to go hunting through a few cars for a seat, possibly facing backwards or next to the bathroom that smells like a hot morgue.


jamesland7 t1_ivhm5y4 wrote

Acela is SLIGHTLY faster but not really enough to justify the price difference. The real reason is to avoid the riff raff element on regular train service


boenobleman t1_ivhmo6c wrote

Where are you going? I took the train when I went to school in Rochester. 449 worked was great. If you’re on the Syracuse>Rochester> Buffalo stops. And as someone who took bus and train, Amtrak is much better. Standing, better seat, and bathrooms are all nice.


Orangechanclas t1_ivhnx6i wrote

It is SO nice. Pricey, but I genuinely prefer it to other ways to get to New York. There’s enough space to relax and breathe, unlike greyhound where you’re packed like a sardine on a sweaty bus


elpezmuerto t1_ivhot21 wrote

How much faster the Acela is depends on the time of the day. Business class NE regional is nicer but I've had no bad experiences with quiet car coach class on the regional either. The Acela really shines with the less stops.

Definitely book far in advance, you'll see substantial cost savings. Even for holidays


Itchy-Marionberry-62 t1_ivhsmxh wrote

Regional takes about an hour longer…but is less expensive. Not much else different. Have always liked the train…but will no longer go to NYC.


Ill_Animator3907 t1_ivi06b2 wrote

I’ve had nothing but good experiences on Amtrak. Can’t comment on baggage but it’s overall a very pleasant experience.


NJS_Stamp t1_ivi4xt3 wrote

+1 on the business class if you can swing it

Came back from NY the other weekend. Spent the first two stops walking up and down the train cars trying to find a seat because people love to pile their luggage on the spare seat.


Markymarcouscous t1_ivi5ri6 wrote

The reason why I’ve never taken it is cost; and I think there just isn’t enough coach seating it’s always full; Amtrak really needs more of that capacity on either the NE regional or the Acela.


nearlyashley t1_ivic0jt wrote

Everyone is saying book 14+ days in advance, but I’m pretty sure the prices start increasing 4 weeks out. $31 each way for the NE regional right now if you’re looking a month in advance.

If you have a car, I like getting on a route 128. Parking is easy and there’s only 2 tracks.


Perseverance792 t1_iviczbd wrote

I've only taken the NE Regional but I can say it's totally, totally worth it. Comfortable even if crowded, good time to relax, use a laptop, enjoy some CT scenery, whatever works.


wallet535 t1_iviel8x wrote

Assuming downtown to downtown, flying does indeed win slightly if the weather is perfect, in my experience. It’s not crazy to check airfares between BOS and LGA.


meaniessuck t1_ivifoyj wrote

I love the Acela and will never, never fly into NYC again. The train is so much more relaxing and easier.


StarbeamII t1_ivip9t7 wrote

On the other hand, right side of the train gets you a fantastic view of New York City when you approach and enter the city. In exchange, it's pretty boring for the rest of the ride.


Fauve_whatsup t1_ivjbc3r wrote

I much prefer the Acela because I dislike walking from car to car looking for a seat. If you’re traveling with family or friends this is especially important because multiple seats together are difficult to find. If you book in advance it’s not much more expensive and totally worth it IMO


anon1moos t1_ivjeg9m wrote

I noticed other people did not mention this:

There are three stops in the Boston area, South Station, Back Bay and Route 128 in Westwood.

The Westwood stop (RTE) has a parking garage where you pay online $7/day. Depending on where you live and how you are getting to the train this may be the most convenient station to board at.


CTVolvo t1_iw3e2ci wrote

If you can afford it, go Acela. Newer trains, fewer stops, assigned seats and bigger windows.