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lqdizzle t1_ixr1azu wrote

You should try it with a filter


SnooHedgehogs7109 OP t1_ixr1mjm wrote

What’s the big deal?

I’m genuinely confused


lqdizzle t1_ixr72de wrote

Oh it seems heavily filtered so I pretended that you hadn’t even thought about using a filter creating a lil’ comedic irony


Quan-Su-Dude t1_ixrm3gd wrote

You’re allowed to like what you like, including this highly edited look. Nothing wrong with that. But it’s not what your eyes saw. When you play with the color past a certain point, it becomes a caricature of itself. It’s like if Emma Watson got plastic surgery. Why mess with something that’s already beautiful?


SnooHedgehogs7109 OP t1_ixrmw1o wrote

What if I was on🍄?


GenericRedditor0405 t1_ixrt3hq wrote

Then I’d say you might want to note that context when presenting the photo. Explaining that reasoning would at least clarify your editing choices, because presenting a stylized image and then saying “this is what it looked like” otherwise comes across as disingenuous


SnooHedgehogs7109 OP t1_ixrxly4 wrote

It’s just a picture dude,hahaha


GenericRedditor0405 t1_ixrz8wn wrote

I’m just answering honestly because you seem a bit surprised by everyone’s reaction to it


SnooHedgehogs7109 OP t1_ixs0a6i wrote

I just think people are overtly snobbish

I just a cool looking picture

I won’t post anymore


LumixShill t1_ixs9p51 wrote

That was going to be my first iteration of the mantis shrimp joke that I made elsewhere, but I didn't want anyone to think I was flying a drone while on mushrooms. lol


Murky_side_ t1_ixv2ciz wrote

You weren't, stop trying to be "cool".


SnooHedgehogs7109 OP t1_ixv5p1y wrote

Hahaha Ok buddy


Murky_side_ t1_ixvodi7 wrote

Instead of just taking feedback, you're just gonna double down on dumb shit? Okay.