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orreos14 t1_ixwnxpj wrote

What a tough situation. I dont have any advice or leads on housing, but I’d be able to help with small gifts/needs for the holidays. Feel free to PM.


EnvironmentMedium942 t1_ixx1uva wrote

Same here. Please feel free to PM.


cheddarwock t1_ixxen9t wrote

I’m in too. Please let me know if gift giving is an option


kermac10 t1_ixxhdr2 wrote

Same here. I do not have space to offer but would love to help with a gift card or two so that mom and dad can pick some presents for Max and/ or each other.


penguinsuerte t1_ixxjxcn wrote

I can help with a gift card for the holidays too feel free to PM me