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smc733 t1_iy8qpta wrote

Why should anyone give a shit about stupid British royalty? Dumb. If they want to come here, there should be no special accommodations.


potentpotables t1_iy8rklx wrote

Protecting the Queen's safety is a task that is gladly accepted by Police Squad. No matter how silly the idea of having a queen might be to us, as Americans we must be gracious and considerate hosts.


boreas907 t1_iy8s4le wrote

You're not wrong that security needs to be provided for foreign dignitaries, but they currently have a king, not a queen.


crippledcommie t1_iya45ov wrote

Its not silly to us its silly period


potentpotables t1_iyajpyl wrote

You mean you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you?


zambicci t1_iy8s1kg wrote

go fuck yourself. welcome to boston.


BreakdancingGorillas t1_iy90unk wrote

Because they take up space. If it was where you lived and a giant crowd of people showing up it might be a problem