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phokis617 t1_iy8rdhx wrote


RJH04 t1_iy8t5lf wrote

It’s fine during the mid afternoon and weekdays… and the fresh things are so fresh…


sawbones84 t1_iy95bs5 wrote

That is the only time I will ever set foot in there, and even still sometimes the checkout lines are all 3/4 people deep. I'd LIKE to shop there more, but it's such a fucking headache most of the time, and it's completely out of the question if it's a weekend or evening.


RJH04 t1_iya0x52 wrote

I mean… I view it like church. You mingle with people you normally wouldn’t… commune with the masses… come together in a long line of other supplicants, coming for the fresh veggies…


Darkest_97 t1_iy9b6zw wrote

Weekdays still seem so horrible to me but I've never been there on a weekend


UltravioletClearance t1_iy9vgwn wrote

The real pro move is driving to the Market Basket in Burlington.


fakecrimesleep t1_iya0nqx wrote

Or just going to wegman’s instead because their produce isn’t openly rotting all the time and it’s a much better experience.


cBEiN t1_iyan5ga wrote

I haven’t been to wegmans here, but I expect, you don’t have the low prices market basket has


AchillesDev t1_iyao713 wrote

At least for meats, Wegman’s has been on par with or cheaper than anywhere I’ve been to here (mostly TJ’s, Star, and that one market out in Acton). The MB I’ve gone to I haven’t been in years because it’s near my grandmother’s and when we visit her we don’t ever need to do any shopping.


b3anz129 t1_iy9gdwp wrote

Saw a fight breakout there last month. Good times