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jucestain t1_iy96lqe wrote


BHKbull t1_iy97c6z wrote

Thanks! Some days are rough but overall it’s worth it. Not much of this caliber of finish work in New Hampshire, right now I’m working in a beautiful 4-story brownstone right next to the capital building. Can’t find this in Nashua!


jucestain t1_iy99tqa wrote

Thats awesome.

Nashua is a nice area, can definitely understand people living there and commuting into Boston. One of my favorite breweries (spyglass) is up there. Would be nice if they extended the lowell commuter rail line up there some day.


BHKbull t1_iy9a7it wrote

There was a post the other day about them considering extending it to Manchester, which I assume would include a Nashua stop. Would be cool! But probably not for a while, they would need to get the NH statehouse on board first


thejosharms t1_iy9p3vb wrote

There have been rumors and plans about that since the 90's. Don't get your hopes up.


BHKbull t1_iya7ilp wrote

Yeah, figures. Won’t help me much anyways with my can full of tools.


thejosharms t1_iyajb6u wrote

Probably not, but it'd be nice to have for weekends and leisure time. Maybe someday.

I commuted from Hudson to Burlington and back for about 3 months when I had to move back to my parents a little bit and it was hell on Earth.

I was talking to a guy recently who is in IBEW and is contracted out to MIT who lives in the same area. He leaves home at about 3:30 in the morning, gets to Cambridge and gets a prime parking spot and then has a little setup where he goes back to sleep for an hour or so in his car truck. Then he works 6:30-2:30 and scoots out just before northbound commuting traffic.


No-Sheepherder-6257 t1_iy9n56x wrote

Make sure you try Florina Pizza at least once.

And they dont really write parking tickets around the capital building after 3pm.


BHKbull t1_iya7pvt wrote

Been gettin Florina for lunch for a couple weeks now, great stuff!