Submitted by starksotherbastard t3_ysy465 in boston
I was in Allston tonight when I saw a potential pickpocketer. I was in line at Paradise Rock Club, when a guy started to edge his way into line while looking away and "distracted". I saw him walk up and behind a girl who had her phone in her back pocket. He was "fumbling" with his satchel with both hands, one hand was moving and likely ready to open to satchel while the other looked ready to grab the phone. She moved far enough away where he didn't make a move, but it looked clear to me what his intentions were.
He was a white male, about 5' 8", 20s-30s, skinny, maybe 130 lbs, think glasses (used for distraction while "cleaning"), dressed like a finance bro (puffer vest, leather satchel, nice pants, leather shoes). He held his head cocked to the side, probably as a distraction to make you excuse strange movements.
He may not have been a pickpocketer but if I were one I would copy his moves.
riski_click t1_iw2enp7 wrote
a "satchel?" what was this guy, Ford Prefect?