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peteysweetusername t1_ivgwnms wrote

What are you talking about? How can you get coverage at $240 per year and actually get covered for cleanings, X-rays, and drill/fills?

Delta dentals publicly available tax return shows they spent 60% of premiums on patient care. Their ceo is paid 2.5x what the ceo of Harvard pilgrim earns all while managing a company about a third of the size. It’s a cash grab by insurance companies


HobNailBoots1 t1_ivixtj2 wrote

Delta pays dentists $69 for dental cleaning. Which normally takes up to an hour of chair time. RDA is $30-$35 an hour, doctor $100 an hour. DELTA always screws the dental practice.. delta will respond to a dentist saying patient active plan and eligible.. the dental bill gets sent in 9 times out of 10 comes back NO SUCH SUBSCRIBER. The dentist then fight for approximately 6 months for payment, payment eventually comes as you are not giving up however Delta will deny something on there such as an X-ray or deny consultation; dentist usually ends up with between $35-$69.


modernhomeowner t1_ivgy4n5 wrote

I don't know what to tell you about how, I just shopped around and got the best deal for me. I never had dental insurance before, but moving to MA, dentists were so expensive, it's cheaper to buy the dental insurance than it was to pay cash. If this passes, I doubt that will be the case and I will see my premium go up.

Everyone seems to think if they have a limit to their MCR the premium will go down to fit the MCR, rather than the premium going up so their current operating costs are met. Delta and others aren't magically going to make less money in MA, they are going to raise rates to continue to make the same amount, and just pay dentists more to compensate.


peteysweetusername t1_ivkdbra wrote

That’s not how it will work. If you have to spend 83% on patient care no matter what you charge you still have to hit that ratio


modernhomeowner t1_ivkej4s wrote

Yes, but say you currently have operating costs and profit of $32 on $100. Your operating costs don't magically go down to $17 because this passes. Maybe they can lay off some people and outsource claims to India to get it down to $25, which means to hit the 87%, they'll raise your rate to $147, and just pay your dentist more to compensate for the remainder of the money. They aren't going to be able to lower their costs to $17, they will raise rates to get to their overhead and just pay out the rest to dentists.


peteysweetusername t1_ivkihc8 wrote

Yeah, they do magically go down. Wanna know how? Delta dental gave its parent company $291 million. Boom


modernhomeowner t1_ivkjx7u wrote

You think they will run Massachusetts without a profit?


peteysweetusername t1_ivkn6jc wrote

Delta dental is a non profit so absolutely yes


modernhomeowner t1_ivkosma wrote

Every insurance company has profit, even the non-profit ones. They keep reserves for future claims and growth, and of course, other charitable donations. Harvard Pilgrim had $700M in carried surpluses when they merged to Point32.

I don't think Delta is just going to give it up. And they aren't the only dental insurance company, that's not who I have, there are dozens of them. I'm guessing mine doesn't make much profit on the $19.99 to just keep the rates as is.


peteysweetusername t1_ivkszgv wrote

The polls are showing my point of view is going to win so I look forward to the facts proving you wrong


modernhomeowner t1_ivktaam wrote

Of course I do hope for my own sake you do prove me wrong! In the event my premium goes up, can I send the bill to you? Lol!


peteysweetusername t1_ivktjy4 wrote

I don’t know how your insurance company is operating at $240 a year. I don’t think that’s enough to cover two cleanings, X-rays, and a exam never mind other services you may need like drills and fills


modernhomeowner t1_ivkv0pi wrote

In most states, $240 is a lot; I used to pay cash to my dentist in NY $173 per year for THREE cleanings and one exam (if you have healthy teeth you have no need for a bi-annual exam, that's just a dental scam, all you need is cleanings and one exam a year, I liked having a cleaning ever 4 months). Even my exam I just had last month was a near joke, he didn't even count off the teeth, just looked in for about 20 seconds.