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ZLBuddha t1_ivhqk1z wrote

Your insurance premiums will go up if 2 passes. It would require insurers to spend 83% on care, but the vast majority of insurers need to spend more than 17% on administrative and other costs to keep the company running. If you think they'll conduct intensive audits of their non-care-related costs to make sure care spending reaches 83% while keeping their customers' premiums the same instead of just raising prices, you're kidding yourself. Vote no.


scwelch OP t1_ivhr37e wrote

Then… why so many people also support YES?


ZLBuddha t1_ivhrmx7 wrote

On the surface it looks like a good "right thing to do" policy, but it's not. It's dentists trying to push costs off on insurers with full knowledge that the insurers will just push the cost onto customers and not eat it themselves. If you're still thinking it's fundamentally a good issue campaign run by good people, the lead sponsor is this dentist named Mouhab Rizkallah who is a grade A scumbag currently under investigation by the Attorney General for fraud, including leaving kids braces on for multiple extra years in an attempt to gouge insurance companies. He was the subject of a front page Globe story over the summer when he sued the Tufts student paper for reporting on him and got told to eat shit.


zallenz-wav t1_ivjvxh2 wrote

This is why I’m voting no, I fundamentally don’t trust that guy as a former Somerville resident


scwelch OP t1_ivhsx3w wrote

I got it. But seems like most people are unknowingly supporting yes so it will pass


HobNailBoots1 t1_iviy13m wrote

LOL dentists are the losers in this three ring circus, the patient gets the dental care, the insurance company profits on the monthly residual, the dentists always get screwed on the UCR fee by the insurance company.. since when do insurance companies lose money?


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivjn482 wrote

Since when do dentists lose money? They don't make money on cleanings, they make money on cosmetic stuff which insurance doesn't cover anyway.