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SmashRadish t1_iwub9af wrote

They don’t call it Shady Hill for nothing. It’s our own little Bermuda Triangle.


KungPowGasol t1_iwuc905 wrote

Ghost of Sam Malone haunts that bridge. Only a transplant would be unaware of this.


Anustart15 t1_iwuceoa wrote

I've noticed a few intersections where standing too close to the traffic lights/crossing signals will fuck with my Bluetooth on my headphones, could be something similar


wobwobwob42 t1_iwucn9c wrote

Most probably there's a cell phone repeater or a microwave transmitter on the bridge. Both of those things at close range can interrupt cell phone and terrestrial radio


brosen14 t1_iwumzc3 wrote

My favorite is that when driving on 93 south somewhere between the Boston St and Dorchester Ave bridges (near South Bay Center) causes the infotainment system in my VW to do a full power cycle. I think it has something to do with the anti-theft function they used for a couple years, but always wondered what specific source of interference was.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iwurajs wrote

In general, bluetooth is very imperfect. There's a LOT of interference that can miss with the connection. There might be some sensor or camera on the bridge with a stronger long range signal that's derping it out for a few seconds there.


h2g2Ben t1_iwv8pxg wrote

Same thing happens to me on Storrow around Clarendon (where Storrow goes under Storrow). Happens every time, both directions. I kind of assume someone has a 2.4 GHz jammer in the area for some reason.


spedmunki t1_iwvezdj wrote

King Harald’s revenge