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Que-pasa-2020 t1_iy8ni6n wrote

I am from Boston but currently in another country and there is dog shit literally everywhere. It makes me appreciate the comparatively infrequent sightings at home.


michael_scarn_21 t1_iy8salv wrote

It is not infrequent where I am!


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iy8uh6a wrote

Seriously, there is poop literally everywhere.

Why are so many dog owners such selfish, inconsiderate, jerks?


ich_habe_keine_kase t1_iyd1fcq wrote

When I moved into my building I stepped in dog shit twice in like a 20 minute period (was pretty fucking annoying because I hadn't unpacked either paper towels or other shoes yet). The people on my block clearly don't give two fucks, I see dog shit literally every day.