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Delighted_Fingers t1_iyal5bz wrote

lmao wild turkeys are a moot point against domestic dogs


Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_iyaluaw wrote

Hey, if they get to make asinine points then so do I!

(The asinine point of not having a dog unless you train it to use the toilet. I’m all for picking up poop and not peeing on peoples lawns)


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iyamzw9 wrote

> I’m all for picking up poop

Yeah, again, you just admitted in this very thread that you leave your dog poop behind for other people to step in when it is merely inconvenient for you to do the responsible thing and pick it up.


[deleted] t1_iyanrhd wrote



ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iyaoekt wrote

Some people have no sense of humor, they are often the same sort of people who leave their dogs poop behind for other people to step in.

This is starting to feel like harassment now, it's time for you to move on please.