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temp4adhd t1_iye7ux4 wrote

Probably doing a security sweep ahead of the royals visit?


MyRespectableAlt t1_iye9kgx wrote

I highly doubt the #2 in line for the British Throne is going to be on the Red Line.


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_iyehotx wrote

Wouldn’t he be 1st in line?

His father is King. He’s on-deck.


imuniqueaf t1_iyerba9 wrote

That is a great question. I'd like to take a moment to explain the British Monarchy and how the line of succession works. Additional how it pertains to their relationship with the United States.

Who cares and it doesn't.

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.


gregzhoba t1_iyec3hn wrote

Unless the royals are looking for the true “peasants of Boston” experience!


Omphaloskeptique t1_iyeem3t wrote

Actually, Somerville is their first stop in Boston.


nebirah t1_iyeib5h wrote

Actually, they will visit Greentown Labs which is closer to Union Square.


CheruthCutestory t1_iyefbsa wrote

Well I'm no royalist but that would put them one ahead of Governor Baker.