Submitted by shminkydink t3_z8zc7v in boston
g00ber88 t1_iyeuuq4 wrote
Reply to comment by ReverseBanzai in What happened at Davis sq? Taped off with lots of cops. by shminkydink
Whoever set down their insta pot and forgot about it must be feeling pretty embarrassed rn
_violetlightning_ t1_iyeyv2n wrote
That happened while I lived in San Francisco. I worked across the street from a major train station, think Downtown Crossing. We Evacuate customers, all our employees head to our pre-arranged meeting place at a park a block away, yada yada yada. I saw pictures of a bomb unit guy going down the stairs into the station dressed like the Stay-Puff Marshamllow man. I’m texting my parents to let them know I’m safe in case the news goes national. Huge fucking deal.
Someone had forgotten their briefcase next to a bench.
impact4 t1_iyf4b0v wrote
I was flying home from college high as hell on edibles, went to the baggage claim to grab my suitcase and got surrounded by nearly a dozen enthusiastic cops. After I showed them a few forms of ID and offered to let them search me they showed me a photo of the suspect they were looking for. Apparently my doppelganger is out there threatening to blow up airports.
Dukeofdorchester t1_iyfcmk4 wrote
That’s a good way to have your high ruined
impact4 t1_iyfdb9o wrote
I was honestly so completely baffled by the entire experience that it really didn't register as frightening. As soon as I hopped in the car my buddy who was picking me up asked if I saw all the cops that were there which cracked me up. It honestly became one of my favorite stories because of the pure absurdity of the situation.
If the dude who ended up getting arrested for the homb threat wasn't so crazy I would've got in touch with him just out of pure curiosity from how similar he looked to me.
PresNixon t1_iyeztlw wrote
4th and King? I've been in San Fran for a month and I feel like I know this place pretty well lol. Can't wait to get back home though.
_violetlightning_ t1_iyfa91p wrote
Powell station, 4th and Market. Basically the SF equivalent of having to evacuate a couple blocks of Washington st around Macys and Primark. I felt really bad for the guy who forgot his brief case. I mean, who hasn’t?
bthks t1_iyezuv4 wrote
My freshman year of college all the family weekend events on Saturday were cancelled and the largest complex on campus was evacuated for 8+ hours.
Some dad had left a camera case on his car.
Alphatron1 t1_iyf0f6z wrote
So on one hand I haven’t flown since like 1998 and we’re going to Philly from Manchester. We go to get coffee. Not even thinking I leave my bag at the terminal and within 5 minutes they have a dog on it. I’m like oh shit. Then they call me down to the office and give me a talk. But I just wasn’t thinking. It was like 6 am.
[deleted] t1_iyf06q5 wrote
CoffeeContingencies t1_iyfbdch wrote
I’d think people in a Boston subreddit of all places would know that.
g00ber88 t1_iyf0mlz wrote
Yeah I know, I was joking. Or half joking at least, I mean maybe someone really did leave their instapot behind lol
sckuzzle t1_iyf5blx wrote
tbf insta-pots are common casings for homemade pressure bombs to the point they were banned in parts of Europe in order to reduce terrorism.
CrossroadsConundrum t1_iyf885o wrote
Instapots of old school pressure cookers?
[deleted] t1_iyf8fq7 wrote
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