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big_whistler t1_ixh0xcr wrote

I’ve seen all this shit in Boston too. I know Philly is worse than here but its the sane stuff just more.


KingFucboi t1_ixhh9rk wrote

lol Philly is way fucking worse. There isn’t a single street in boston that looks like any street in Kensington. Phillys great I’m not hating. But it’s the truth.


[deleted] t1_ixhdi0s wrote

EVEN better when you see empty beer cans, syringes, and dog shit all in the same place 😂


SmashRadish t1_ixjauhb wrote

Dude, every city with more than one sports team is discernibly cleaner than Philly. People from Philly travel to Detroit and remark on how clean Detroit looks. Philly is head, shoulder, nips, belly buttons and zippers above every other major city when it come to litter.