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bryanhealey t1_j1j6rhy wrote

that last sentence is... *chef's kiss


Left_Squash74 OP t1_j1jb9r2 wrote

Julia Fenster's Ether Day about the first use of surgical anesthesia. It's an amazing story, though tragic, as the discovery and fight for ownership basically ruined the lives of all involved. Also sad as the chemistry for sulfuric ether and nitrous oxide was there already from about 1800, but people just had accepted that surgery was a painful fact of life, and so many people had to go through horrific suffering when something that could've eliminated it was dismissed as a frivolity. Boston had the right convergence of factors that allowed for the first public use of ether, often attributed as America's first great medical discovery. And in a very American fashion, it took a lightly educated con-artist to break the paradigms held by the European oriented medical community and change medicine forever.


Guilty_Jackrabbit t1_j1jczqi wrote

Look, I'm willing to entertain the idea that New England exists, but are you seriously trying to tell me there's more beyond that? Like Ohio?


MonsieurReynard t1_j1jesr3 wrote

So Boston doctors discovered effective surgical anesthesia, and the rest of the country's medical establishment didn't believe them?

Man, even back then you were lucky AF to live where medical research was cutting edge. Imagine amputation or organ removal while conscious. And be very grateful we live when we do.

Here's some deets:


Reasonable_Move9518 t1_j1jgca1 wrote

Hmm... where else have I heard of a simple, effective medical advance able to save millions of lives and reduce the suffering of tens of millions more being developed largely in the Greater Boston Area?

And then getting rejected by some portions of the rest of the country bc they don't like the "elites" in their "hub of the universe"...


Left_Squash74 OP t1_j1jge5q wrote

A Boston "dentist" looking to get rich first demonstrated its use at MGH, mostly because other doctors were afraid of what would happen to their career if they promoted something exposed as "humbug." He then attempted to patent it by pretending it was a more complicated formula than simply diethyl ether (which failed as people could easily recognize the smell).

I had a minor surgery a few months ago, and was nonetheless very thankful to the flawed men that were Charles Jackson and William Morton, which ever truly realized the potential of ether. I make sure to stop at both of their graves whenever I find myself walking at Mt. Auburn.


Liqmadique t1_j1k9yeh wrote

But really, fuck the rest of the country.


parabostonian t1_j1khktm wrote

It’s not as bad as Semmelweis, who is one of the more fucked up stories in medicine. Guy basically proves via clinical experiments that sanitization of doctors hands reduces patient mortality. Instead of other doctors being convinced by his evidence, they get him fired, ostracized, he’s forced to move, eventually admitted to an asylum, and dies presumably from complications after being by guards. It would take many more decades before the medical community would begin to adopt antiseptic techniques.

Even more than a century later, many doctors would be doing autopsies without gloves on too. I worked with pathologists (in their 60s now) who were doing that in their residencies because it was the norm and got medical issues from doing so.

People (including doctors) are surprisingly stupid sometimes.


SkyGuy9 t1_j1kndz3 wrote

Boston is a fake city


AlpineMcGregor t1_j1ktq4j wrote

Remember to pay your respects to the ether monument in the public garden


RussChival t1_j1kutr8 wrote

I like the early crypto/Ether reference as well. Boston ahead of the curve, as usual.


s_in_progress t1_j1kvpmo wrote

Not only has nothing changed, I think we’ve actually doubled down


Freshman55 t1_j1l0v4c wrote

Boston really is the best place to live in the country. I’m not talking about price wise because that’s definitely not the appeal, this is the most foreword thinking place on the east coast. I’m happy to live here over anyplace in the south 😖


dreameater_baku t1_j1lt4cp wrote

>People (including doctors) are surprisingly stupid sometimes.

I will never forget that retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson believes the Egyptians built the pyramids as glorified grain silos. It's one of those useless pieces of trivia that's now permanently burned into my brain.


aShittierShitTier4u t1_j1m9msu wrote

I was housemate with some lads into the EDM scene, who held what was supposed to be an ether frolic. They had a friend that got them ether and DMSO from the lab he worked in. I never tried it myself. They seemed to enjoy it, but they were kinda dumb about drugs.


midgetsinheaven t1_j1mawi6 wrote

I don't live in boston, I'm not from there, but my boyfriend is. He's from Southie. I followed the sub specifically to have a better understanding of my guy, and I can say that this sums him up perfectly.


88mcinor88 t1_j1mp9ng wrote

Massholes. A badge of honor since the 1840's


Left_Squash74 OP t1_j1n1l1u wrote

Biggest risk is definitely how flammable the stuff is. I remember reading an account from a WWII doctor, the bottom foot or so of atmosphere in a surgical tent at the front would ether vapor (heavier than air). If there was a spark, not to mention a shell, the whole thing would instantly go up.


Itchy-Marionberry-62 t1_j1oh96j wrote

Boston is moving down on the medical front…and NYC has moved ahead of it.