Submitted by ld2186 t3_zyb0jm in boston

I’m looking at two apartments in Brighton — St Gabriel’s and Nova. Both are near Washington Street on the B Line. My question is around transportation. I won’t have a car. Will I have an OK time navigating day to day life on the green line and buses? I work from home right now. My biggest concern is around social activities— I often see friends in Back Bay and I have friends in Cambridge. I’m considering getting a car, but that would be a bit from now. Is Brighton without a car possible? Thanks!



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Jer_Cough t1_j24rfa6 wrote

I lived off the C line for 15 years without a car. I like walking though.


Samael13 t1_j24rki4 wrote

Brighton is fine without a car, with the usual caveat that the T is pretty much a dumpster fire all the time. You can definitely get to Cambridge, but it'll obviously take more time than if you drove. Getting a bike will help, but you can easily take the B line up and grab the 66 to Cambridge.


Yak_Rodeo t1_j24sl6s wrote

if you only want a car to see friends i would say no, if you need it as a backup to make sure you get to work on time when the t inevitably fails you then yes


blue_orchard t1_j24t55d wrote

Yes, it is very possible. I lived in Brighton for years without a car. Get to know the bus routes as they can be more direct, depending on where you are going.


Samael13 t1_j24teh5 wrote

Shout out to the auto-mod about "line" vs. "branch"; what an amazing example of passive aggressive pettiness regarding a wildly used term that confuses zero people and will do exactly nothing to change how people refer to it.


Bahariasaurus t1_j24u6l7 wrote

I did it for years, granted the T was in better shape. Certainly possible though. Back Bay might be a bit of a pain in the ass (granted driving there sucks too), but Cambridge is pretty easy.


takes12KNOW t1_j24ujgx wrote

Worst part is crossing the river for friends, but Uber 1 a month is cheaper than a car


ld2186 OP t1_j24ul7z wrote

Thanks. I was thinking of getting a car for friends, groceries, trips outside of the city. A car is part of the plan, but realistically I'll be living in Brighton for a bit and relying on public transit. These comments are helping me to understand I can do it :)


blue_orchard t1_j24vei9 wrote

Using Zipcar, Uber/Lyft/taxi, grocery delivery will all be cheaper than a car. Not sure where you want to go, but the commuter rail gives you access to lots of places outside the city. Just takes a bit more planning than having a car, but very possible.


SpiritedCamel_ t1_j24w4u3 wrote

I lived in that area for a year. I had a car, but almost never used it. It was just a pain in the butt to own a car because I didn't have off-street parking.

I used an e-bike and the T to get everywhere.


emodwarf t1_j250pf2 wrote

Check out the 86 bus. It goes through Brighton to Somerville, including stops in Harvard Square and Union Square.


gossipqueen_ t1_j250qqg wrote

I use to live in Brighton and looked at St Gabriel, don’t quote me but I’m pretty sure they offer transportation services to/from the commuter train, which would be helpful for you to get to Back Bay!


vmedfer t1_j250y5p wrote

You’ll be fine. That area is a hassle to have a car, barely any spots available. You would have trouble finding parking even with a resident permit and if your rent does not include a spot it’s around $250 to rent one (probably higher)


mpjjpm t1_j252c34 wrote

I lived in that area for a year without a car when I first moved here. I commuted to Longwood on the 66, waking to the stop in good weather and taking the T to Harvard Ave in bad weather. It was fine. I was there during on of the bug B branch shut downs to update the intersection at the BU Bridge. Taking the T into downtown sucked during that period, but wasn’t too bad otherwise. There’s a Whole Foods at Washington St and a Star at Packards Corner, so groceries are easy enough without a car. Socially, I spent a lot of time in Somerville and Medford. Usually took the buses to get across the river, connecting with the Red line at Harvard Sq, but almost always took an Uber home.


symonym7 t1_j2547o5 wrote

I’ve had 3 places in different areas of Brighton and managed to be able to get nearly anywhere in Boston via bike in 10-20 minutes.


[deleted] t1_j25815y wrote

If you had a car in that area, trust me, you’d wish you didn’t. Way more trouble than it’s worth.

Unless you’re going to BC or BU, the B line is fucking useless though. You’re gonna find that biking or walking to the D line, express buses, or commuter rail is gonna make more sense every time.

The area’s very well served by transit and very bike friendly, but don’t let some scumbag landlord act like being so close to the B line is worth anything. All it does is add to the noise pollution if you ask me…


mtang1982 t1_j25l11o wrote

The mbta is a dumpster fire. The car will be a hassle and cost money for parking fuel etc. It’s pick your poison.

I lived in Brighton for 10 years. I needed the car to go on trips outside of the city. By mbta it would have taken over an hour. By car it would take half or less the time.


psc0425 t1_j26hcdc wrote

B-line is the slowest T line in the city.


Ok_Olive9438 t1_j26p181 wrote

You may want to check out which T tracking apps are reliable, because I suspect you may want to use the 86 bus as well as the green line, but life in Brighton without a car is feasible, especially if you are looking at meeting people in Cambridge or the Back Bay. Parking can be challenging in Brighton, its so much worse in those other locations.


ivb97 t1_j26yiov wrote

I live right off the Washington street stop and almost never take my car to social gatherings!


Jmat417 t1_j28t5yo wrote

I live in Oak Sq and find that the bus routes are very helpful and reliable. They run early in the morning and late at night if you’re heading into town to see friends, for an appointment or just because.

The 64 bus runs from Oak Sq Brighton thru Central Sq and ends at Kendall Sq

The 65 bus runs from Brighton center to Brookline, Longwood and ends at Kenmore

The 57 bus runs from Watertown to Kenmore sq via Washington st/ Cambridge st, Brighton Ave, and Comm Ave. This bus is a great option to kenmore/ downtown and is faster than the green line imo

The 501 bus is an express bus starting in Brighton Center that goes on the pike to Copley, theater and financial district

The 504 bus is the same express bus as the 501, however this bus only picks up in Newton corner if you need to get downtown via Brighton. (Take the 57 from Brighton center and transfer to the 504 in Newton corner)

Good luck!


joshhw t1_j2965k8 wrote

Yes. Cambridge and Back Bay are easy enough to get to from that area. You can also bike.