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deegofuego t1_j1d47qo wrote

working. driving delivery. tip your drivers folks


pprabs t1_j1d79h6 wrote

Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you for making our lives easier in this treacherous weather. Be safe!


MurdrWeaponRocketBra t1_j1ekpsh wrote

Why would anyone tip people for only doing their job? I tip servers, and I tip for car service if they did something extra. If we start tipping delivery people, might as well start tipping grocery store clerks.


Current-Weather-9561 t1_j1d4wec wrote

I’m curious as to why we should tip drivers? 0 customer interaction. You drop the package on the porch and go on your way… it only exacerbates tipping culture


Snow_Moose_ t1_j1d6ipo wrote

Just don't order delivery if you don't want to tip.


deegofuego t1_j1d7mfh wrote

i deliver a regulated substance. i dont just drop it off. also, if youre ordering food, meet your driver at the damn door. no one should be so lazy that they cant walk 20ft to get their 3 piece nuggets


aray25 t1_j1ddocm wrote

Just so you know, several of the food delivery apps specifically advise you not to meet the driver unless you have to.


deegofuego t1_j1djwuj wrote

so they can keep their drivers on a constant go go go. not safe.


hce692 t1_j1dsljg wrote

Women don’t want to meet a strange man by themselves in their jammies at night. If my directions are leave them at the door, please do it. The ones who call me and insist on me coming down are creepy AF


deegofuego t1_j1esef2 wrote

lol its literally a hand off….nothing creepy or dangerous about it. anyway in my delivery line of work if you dont come down and sign off/pay, we cancel your order per regulation


hce692 t1_j1etkia wrote

Welp we aren’t talking about alcohol, you said chicken nuggets. And you don’t get to decide what’s safe or creepy for a woman. Opening her front door while alone for a strange man is 100% dangerous, and if she isn’t required to for food it’s bizarre for you to get on a high horse about doing so


ThatDismalGiraffe t1_j1dzsdc wrote

Have you not worked delivery very long? Bevause I delivered food on/off for years in grad school, and most people will not answer the door. That's the status quo. Now i don't answer the door either, I just get my food from the porch. The delivery fee is a premium to avoid the akwardness of dealing with the restaurant, why would people want the added annoyance of talking to a delivery driver?


deegofuego t1_j1erl8f wrote

“here is your food.” “thank you, hope you have a great day.” “thank you! you as well.” thats too awkward for you?


deegofuego t1_j1erp4p wrote

this society is becoming so damn introverted. interact with the people around you. its not that hard


AccousticMotorboat t1_j1g2whw wrote

You can do this from a distance. When I had COVID I at least opened the door as the driver got to the bottom of the stairs to say thanks.


BobSacamano97 t1_j1dcpo8 wrote

If you can’t afford tipping, I would suggest buying ramen in bulk and not ordering delivery.


Deep_Distribution621 t1_j1ffoy2 wrote

It’s not “culture” it’s people’s livihoods. You tip because a service was performed.


dustybooksaremyjam t1_j1e07qw wrote

Yeah who the fuck tips delivery drivers?? I've never even heard of this. Do these people just have a pile of dollar bills sitting by their door for when they get a package?
