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deegofuego t1_j1d47qo wrote

working. driving delivery. tip your drivers folks


ShriekingMuppet t1_j1d4h8l wrote

In my apartment avoiding going back to the town I grew up in for as long as possible.


boston_dougie t1_j1d4xb3 wrote

Cleaning, drinking, cooking, and smoking joints.


pprabs t1_j1d66dl wrote

Baking and drinking way too much wine while doing so.


tempelhof_de t1_j1d8nz5 wrote

Cooking some lobster tails at home in Rhode Island, drinking some good wine, and watching Christmas in Connecticut.


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j1d8p2i wrote

Wrapping gifts. Vacuum the house. Prepping for Xmas eve dinner. Hoping the power stays on as the storm blows through today and tonight. Doing dishes. Caring for puppehs. Might crack open the aged egg nog.


-Odi-Et-Amo- t1_j1d8wsr wrote

Can’t go wrong with chocolate chip cookies! Go to the store, grab a bag of Nestle chocolate chips. On the back of the bag is recipe for Toll House cookies. Buy ingredients, follow instructions and enjoy!


danbyer t1_j1da9f6 wrote

Supposed to be traveling to see family, but Covid strikes again. Guess I’ll be drinking and drinking all weekend.


mtafmtu t1_j1dby5m wrote

Stuck in a hotel outside Philly, desperately trying to get in contact with Avis to exchange our rental with a flat tire to finish driving to Virginia


jazzdrums1979 t1_j1dcidf wrote

Getting the in-laws fucking trashed. I’m bringing a gallon mason jar of espresso martini. This will get interesting.


HappyGiraffe t1_j1dcnxs wrote

Cleaning and panicking. We are hosting the Christmas Eve party, which we always do, but this year I am also throwing my surprise wedding during the party; guests just think I hired a professional photographer to do nice pictures with Santa. Otherwise… no one except us and the officiant know


aray25 t1_j1ddbzv wrote

Cookies (except some fancy ones like biscotti or Russian tea cakes) and cakes are some of the easiest things to make. Get a recipe off the interwebs. Ginger snaps are seasonal, but require some less common ingredients that you may not have on hand, so I'd recommend something like a chocolate chip shortbread instead. Shortbread is still seasonally appropriate and is just butter, sugar, and flour.


honeybeast518 t1_j1ddfhm wrote

Going to a friend's house for board game night.


locke_5 t1_j1ddigx wrote

COVID quarantine. Girlfriend got it from work (big law firm with lots of billboards around town). HR was aware employees were coming to work sick, didn't care, had a holiday party even. Now we have to miss Christmas.


Vox2345 t1_j1def8q wrote

Today's my birthday but due to disability I'm not very functional right now so I won't be doing much of anything at all but this time last year I didn't have a safe place to live so having an apartment is a celebration all its own


symonym7 t1_j1dfyx4 wrote

The same thing I do every night, Pinky..


DerekMcLeod t1_j1dgkud wrote

Airing my grievances. I got a lotta problems with you people, and now, you're gonna hear about it.


michael_scarn_21 t1_j1dgpqs wrote

Counting sheep on a windswept moorland in England because I'm visiting my parents lol. If I was at home I'd probably go to lamplighter.


theliontamer37 t1_j1dgxfp wrote

Got engaged a few weeks ago so me and the fiancé are gonna pop some of the bottles we got, make a homemade pizza and calzone, eat a few edibles and watch Christmas movies all night.


Dseltzer1212 t1_j1diy8i wrote

Wrapping presents, doing some pre cooking and getting very stoned on my homegrown made in MA legal weed


wobwobwob42 t1_j1doc3b wrote

Making sure my alcohol for the party tomorrow isn't poisoned.


eaglessoar t1_j1dqg1y wrote

I'm in Florida, in laws are hosting a novena, party starts tonight


toxikant t1_j1drn0v wrote

Working. So excited* to spend tomorrow working as well.

  • this is sarcasm.

hce692 t1_j1dsljg wrote

Women don’t want to meet a strange man by themselves in their jammies at night. If my directions are leave them at the door, please do it. The ones who call me and insist on me coming down are creepy AF


dsuperville t1_j1dupl1 wrote

Packing with my 1yo. Out to Manhattan tomorrow 😁


Liqmadique t1_j1dvv4s wrote

Sick :( Caught the cold going around earlier this week.


theladythunderfunk t1_j1dwj43 wrote

Meeting my lawyer to sign some paperwork that will get me the fuck away from my crazy abusive neighbor. Happy Christmas to meeeee


Yekim617 t1_j1dx42d wrote

djing at union tavern in somerville, come through!


riski_click t1_j1dxm69 wrote

working on christmas eve eve and christmas eve. Such is life in Operations...


butalas t1_j1dy6kg wrote

Desperately trying to finish grading papers with an infant in one arm before family gets here tomorrow lol.


jamesland7 t1_j1dyzsv wrote

Everything Everywhere All at once and Ratatouille double feature at The Brattle!


wjhubbard3 t1_j1dz8pq wrote

Making pizza at home and enjoying a beer or two. Just have to hope that my dough doesn’t blow away between the house and the pizza oven.


whit3lightning t1_j1dz9yo wrote

I’ll be working from 3-9. Then, I’m gonna sip on some boozy hot cocoa with my fiancée, cuddle up next to the tree, and watch some Christmas movies til we fall asleep.


ThatDismalGiraffe t1_j1dzsdc wrote

Have you not worked delivery very long? Bevause I delivered food on/off for years in grad school, and most people will not answer the door. That's the status quo. Now i don't answer the door either, I just get my food from the porch. The delivery fee is a premium to avoid the akwardness of dealing with the restaurant, why would people want the added annoyance of talking to a delivery driver?


KayakerMel t1_j1dzxwg wrote

Sourcing Chinese takeaway for the traditional Jewish December 25th meal!


Dukeofdorchester t1_j1e0vfo wrote

The misses is buying me a drum kit for Xmas, so I’ll be annoying my neighbors


bnelly2k6 t1_j1e3byh wrote

Watching the traffic on Dot Ave since Morrissey BLVD is under water… again.


evhan55 t1_j1e4c9y wrote

home with hubs and pup watching TV and staying warm and cozy! probably some Szechuan chili veg for dinner and hot chocolate late night 🥰


straycatbri t1_j1e6qp3 wrote

riding the orange line. last minute errands :(


TheElusiveFox t1_j1e8nul wrote

Big huge snow storm hit us here in southern ontario... so I'm spending it inside after watching the dogs have the time of their lives tearing the yard up.


isorainbow t1_j1ecwia wrote

COVID quarantine (first time around!) Missing our third Christmas in a row. This really blows.


dkmbruins8517 t1_j1ee2zx wrote

To be honest, I wanted to go to the strip club with my fiancé, but then we both caught covid. So instead we’re just chilling watching old movies and reading. Could be worse I suppose.


the_paruretic t1_j1ef9tx wrote

I'm sending my parents to a Willie Nelson concert and I'm taking my wife to the Pinocchio movie.


LiminallyLost t1_j1ehz8m wrote

Lying on my back as I mouth-breath my covid germs into the bedroom air


ThaiManLA t1_j1ek9ol wrote

Making some meatballs tonight and cozying up to some nextflix and wine


7sevenj9 t1_j1epx7g wrote

Took a gummy and relaxing with my cats. Opening gifts with my husband later since the rest of the weekend is running around like a lunatic to all the family stops.


theWora t1_j1er3uv wrote

Im not American, so how do you celebrate your 25th? What do you do? Do you do anything bug the 24th?


UpDimension t1_j1ernfl wrote

Chicken tendies, heated blanket and Netflix


deegofuego t1_j1esef2 wrote

lol its literally a hand off….nothing creepy or dangerous about it. anyway in my delivery line of work if you dont come down and sign off/pay, we cancel your order per regulation


hce692 t1_j1etkia wrote

Welp we aren’t talking about alcohol, you said chicken nuggets. And you don’t get to decide what’s safe or creepy for a woman. Opening her front door while alone for a strange man is 100% dangerous, and if she isn’t required to for food it’s bizarre for you to get on a high horse about doing so


Borner791 t1_j1eyybl wrote

Replace half the butter with coconut oil And half the flour with almond meal.

I don't know what the coconut oil does, but I feel less gross using less butter...

That's my secret, and they're well received.


geek_m0m t1_j1f0cad wrote

It used to be super common to get married on Christmas! Good for you. It’s a great time to be with family and share your love. Plus y’all won’t forget and present buying will be low-key.


Mountain-Isopod-2072 t1_j1f0hdx wrote

staying in and trying to ground myself (christmas is a difficult time for me mentally)


Graywulff t1_j1fbv3b wrote

One time my whole family was fighting and we had an aluminum pole in the garage so I got it out and put it up and was like festivus for the rest of us! The airing of grievances.

I mean we fought so much over thanksgiving I left before the food hit the table. Last Xmas the fighting got so bad I got thrown out along with my parents, on Xmas. It was a disaster.

I wonder what’ll happen this year.


Laureltess t1_j1fdnyg wrote

Same. My husband got covid at work. Tested positive Tuesday, so now we're missing Christmas with our families. I'm just hoping I don't catch it from him so we don't miss New Year's too. Sucks, man. We avoided it for almost three years and now he gets it from a brand new job right before a holiday.


Snoo_11403 t1_j1fh7uw wrote

In the cold dark with no electric reading a book by flashlight with a cat on my lap. So, not so bad!


aoethrowaway t1_j1flgjm wrote

My whole family has covid, did realize we were still doing that going into 2023…


IdkWhatIwant895 t1_j1fm0al wrote

Lifting heavy at the gym until I almost black out and the demons are gone for that one moment and repeat the whole afternoon.


Weird-Traditional t1_j1fmk8y wrote

Box of Betty Crocker cookies, muffins, or cake, and then decorate how you want. Practice reading a recipe, making sure it's cooked all the way through, and not burning it. Once you're confident, bake something from scratch.


Relevant_Meringue102 t1_j1frz44 wrote

In Boston Children’s Hospital watching my daughter sleep. Have been here 9 months out of the past 12 (five separate hospitalizations).


reginageorgeeee t1_j1fw7gf wrote

Getting trashed, wrapping gifts, and doing a new puzzle.


hortence t1_j1g0h2w wrote

Fucking prepping. Christmas dinner is on Christmas eve as I've married into Czech tradition. And I'm the cook.Many sides prepped today. 6 am liver dumplings ground tomorrow. Goose midday for a mid-afternoon Christmas dinner.

Fight me. I need the relief.


Graywulff t1_j1glvvk wrote

I have no idea. It’s honestly a made for tv drama half the time. Friends ask this, why do I go? I dunno. I guess my nephew and niece? Maybe we tell ourselves we have to? Always have.

It’s way easier if not a holiday. They’re somehow more explosive.lots of trouble all around because it’s a holiday. Maybe not. I am asked this and I dunno. We are just scratching the surface here with this. It’s some Netflix shit.

There is a storm. It’s take pages. I have gone into it in other threads. There has been a ton of shit.

I last saw my parents at thanksgiving in duress and haven’t seen since then.

It all.


AstonishedPepperoni t1_j1gpaee wrote

I didn’t know I was downvoted :/ I’m a social worker and have always done this every Christmas since I celebrate Hannukah anyways. I see we are both from Oregon and now in Boston. People here find it interesting I would do this for no money or benefits.


monkeyswithknives t1_j1gz5io wrote

I played a gig. Detoured twice because of fallen trees. Hung out with my wife because she's finally feeling better and I've missed her. And then watched sushi prep videos on YouTube while drinking whiskey until I wound down so I could go to bed. Not a bad night at all.


awildencounter t1_j1h4lru wrote

Day already passed but: I just got back from Paris, so napping, unpacking, laundry, organizing souvenirs for family. I don't celebrate Christmas so I'm just organizing all the chocolate and wine I brought back.


Graywulff t1_j1hx6l7 wrote

Yeah I do t know Stockholm Syndrome? I really can’t figure it out either. I’m reducing the amount I travel with my parents, but continuing to repeat the same behavior and expect a different result isn’t gonna happen either.