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randomlurker82 OP t1_j2a5ign wrote

Update: now there will be a train in 5 minutes. I'll believe it when I'm on it 😂


TuxedoRidley t1_j2a62pc wrote

I somehow have a 20 minute Forest Hills wait time at Malden Center even though an Oak Grove train is rolling in rn. I think (or at least hope) the wait times are bugged


LoanWolf888 t1_j2b5sgv wrote

Despite pleas for information from Orange Line riders on its social media pages during Thursday and Friday morning rush hours, the agency offered no explanation.

Several hours after an inquiry from the Globe on Friday, MBTA spokesperson Lisa Battiston published a statement saying that the T had found a “failure in a power cable that may have created some electrical arcing with a nearby train axle” on one of the Orange Line cars during a recent inspection. Further inspections found the issue on nine cars.


CheruthCutestory t1_j2bmv54 wrote

It’s been like that all week. It is so fucking frustrating.

Especially since there were so many people on the T today. Going to Boston for the Winter classic and pre-First Night stuff.