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symonym7 t1_j260tz4 wrote

So, you were thrice vaccinated, got omicron, and were then exposed to a new variant + 4th boost, with no ill effect. Given that the initial 3 vaccinations did not protect you, is your assumption still that the 4th dose was the ultimate protection in your exposures vs natural immunity? I’m reading your comment as: was vaccinated, got sick, then didn’t get sick after subsequent exposure.


OldCoaly t1_j261570 wrote

Thrice vaccinated, those three were based on the first variants. Omicron gains traction. Get omicron. Four months later get vaccine made for omicron. Four months since many exposures, no infection, over 8 months after omicron infection.


symonym7 t1_j2631ug wrote

Ah, so the assumption is that natural immunity’s effective period is equal to that of vaccination.
